My Updates

Hey, sorry! I haven’t been posting lately because my harmony exam is coming up, this Saturday, to be exact, and my mom took away my internet. Well, I’m on now because I’m checking my email for my violin teacher’s reply.

Anyways, I’m in a bit of a poem/song craze right now, but I haven’t forgotten my story. The question is: Should I continue to post poems/songs or head back to stories?

As for my songs, I have the voice part written out for ‘The Strength to Fly.’ I’m currently working on the piano arrangement, just because I’m bored. Good practice for harmony too ^_^. My latest song, ‘You Never Cared,’ is more, realistic and emotional than the rest, I could say. Anyways, I have an idea for the music in the chorus, but the rest is stuck somewhere in the back of my mind. One thing’s for sure though, it’s a combination of rock, soul and punk. More ’emo,’ as you might put it. By the way, it is NOT about a guy. Figure out the rest yourself.

The story with no name. As I said in the first chapter, I was inspired by SilverFx to write in this style of writing. More descriptive. By the way, i would really recommend reading Aurora’s Redemption. My favourate story so far. I have part of the fourth chapter of it. I don’t know if I should continue wasting my time on it though.

Anyways, leave your thoughts here!


6 thoughts on “My Updates”

  1. Wasting your time on Aurora’s Redemption is not wasting your time. In fact, it is a very productive and healthy way to spend your time. >D READ IT. SILVER DESERVES MORE READERS. *gets flames*

  2. Oh Piano? I play it currently though I ain’t that good.

    I just know some songs. . . Like Prelude. . . anyone else know that?

  3. uh, i was saying how good silver’s stories are. THEN saying if im wasting time on my own. o.O

    dark, which prelude? o.O

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