Chapter Three: Auran’s Ways

Author’s Note:

Haha. Writing this helped with my insomia

□тімє іѕ яuииіиg sноят□

An astringent day it was, the snow raging in her face. Nekiel squinted through the snow, trying to find her way through El Nath. A blizzard was brewing up, but nothing abstracted her from her objective. Unexpectedly, a profile appeared out of nowhere. She held on securely to her cape with her gloves and headed en route for it.


Her communicator rang as she set on the photograph; swabbing the tear from her eye. To her astonishment, a familiar face appeared up on the monitor.

“Hey,” Nekiel whispered, “It’s been so long…”

~End of Flashback~

As the object drew closer, she could make out a face. So long ago… Tears sprung from her eyes; the El Nath winter crystallizing them on her cheek. The person came close to her, and gave her an embrace. The warmth revitalized her soul, making it intact once more. He broke off and lifted her untainted black hair from her face and touched her cheek, wiping away the icey tears.

“Hey babe,” he whispered, “Why the tears?”

“Sammuel!” She concealed her face into his shoulder and starting weeping. He was taken aback for a split second, and then stroked Nekiel on the back. He kissed her ever so gently on the neck. After what seemed like ages, she broke off.

Sammuel took Nekiel by the hand, and headed off to a neighbouring inn. The heat hit them with a sudden drift of warm air. Sammuel checked in with the innkeeper, and headed up to their room. They began to remove their excessive clothing and place it beside the fireplace to dry. Donned in her blue Fairy Top and Skirt, Nekiel looked so attractive. He shook his head and sat down beside her.

Nekiel looked up at Sammuel with her vacant eyes, incapable to show any emotion. A spasm of melancholy overwhelmed him as he stared into those eyes. As if attempting to cure her, Sammuel inched closer to her, bringing his face up to hers. He put his hands on her shoulders, feeling her breathing on him. His lips made contact with hers, his body feeling warm from the cold once more. So long…now it’s finally here…


Auran looked into the windowpane, his chest packed with fury. He gripped his Doombringer tighter with his right hand. Inside, Agnam’s daughter was embracing a lowly assassin; Auran’s potency was far more superior to his. He could not have power over his resentment any longer. Raising his Doombringer, he Shouted, devastating the windowpane.

“Sir Auran!” Nekiel said with astonishment.

“Who the hell is he?” Auran gesticulated to Sammuel. “And have you reached to an answer, my fair damsel?” His voice abruptly sickly.

“An answer?” She feigned confusion.

Auran sighed with dissatisfaction. “Have your father not informed you of my request?”

“No,” she said with a straight face. Sammuel shot her a look of bewilderment.

“Let me ask once more,” Auran said, “May I ask your hand in marriage?”

□ѕєаясн ғoя тнє тяuтн□

Packing the last of his possessions into his backpack, Paris suspended the backpack over his shoulder and stared at the room. He bowed his head down for one last prayer; his Pilfer sliding down his forehead. Paris gently closed the door and sauntered down the corridor. Just before he headed out the door, Paris felt a placid tap on his shoulder. He turned around and found Coryn looking intently at him with an astonished expression.

“Where are you off to?” he enquired.

“To search for Iris,” Paris said, his eyes showing no emotion, “To seek out for the truth.”

“Well, if you are going to do that,” Coryn said, “I might as well come along with you.” He snatched out his backpack and wand.

“I do not wish to jeopardize your life,” Paris said, his voice scarcely a murmur.

“No worries!” Coryn said with a grin, “Unless you think I am not fine enough for the omnipresent Paris.”

Paris looked away in embarrassment. “Hurry then, if you want to join me.” The two headed out the door.


Yawning from fatigue, Iris took a single look at the king-size canopy bed and collapsed onto it. She didn’t even bother taking off her armour. As Iris slept, her thoughts wandered…

~A Dream~

Shadows dance in the moonlight, but the girl does not notice. She only has the strength to continue on with her quest. Her limp worsens as she hits a rock, yet she never squeals out in pain. The shadows draw closer to the girl, yet she still takes no notice of them. She stares intently into the horizon, never blinking once. Suddenly, she collides into a body. A deep smell fills her lungs.

“You cannot run from us forever, my dear,” the man said, touching her cheek with his clammy touch, “Your time is up in this world.”

Iris sprung up from the bed, the dream still fresh in her mind. What message does it send? she thought. Lately, these eccentric ‘visions’ have been haunting her dreams. The scenes fuse into her mind, but Iris still had not deciphered their significance. Shaking her head, she stripped in the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

As the last of the water ceased, Iris grabbed a brand new Red Sauna Robe off the rack and put it on. She tided the rope around her waist and left the bathroom, leaving a trail of water behind her. She spotted a pair of slippers beside the bed and slipped them on. Opening the majestic doors of the bedroom, she headed downstairs.

Iris almost stepped in the kitchen, when Auran’s voice caught her attention. She crept along, making her presence unknown. It appears Auran has some secrets, she thought.

“Does anyone know of Iris’ disappearance?” Auran asked.

“No sir,” a voice said. The sun shorn on his face. It was the assassin! “With the exception of a worthless assassin.”

“Ah, go to hell,” Auran cursed, “We shall have to stop him in his tracks. Nothing, I repeat, nothing, will go in the way.”

“Shall I take care of him?” the assassin said, his voice hardly a whisper.

“Ah, Dash,” Auran said with a smile, “You read my mind.”

“Very well, my lord.” Dash bowed officially and headed out the door. The next part was ever so soft. Iris had to strain to heed.

“My daughter…my heir…”


Since everyone’s giving out food, WHO’S UP FOR SOME ICE CREAM?!

3 thoughts on “Chapter Three: Auran’s Ways”

  1. wow this is getting to be a story with lots and lots of different people lol ill have some ice cream if its for free lol

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