I finally reached level 50.. so I bought a megaphone announcing it..
Me: “YES! After six long months I’ve finally reached level 50! Yes I suck..”
I actually got kinda.. afraid you might say.. by the responces.. The screenshots only show a TINY bit of what I got.. the list actually got fillled up 3 seconds after the megaphone.. and over again about 20 times..
But aside from the megaphone.. YAY FOR ME!! And as I said in the megaphone.. I know I suck..
Well at lest I know your not lyeing! =D
LOL some moron whispered you to put them on the megaphone :p
I got to level 54 in one month =). Its summer and I have tons of free time.
lol, waterwaker, i saw that mega. hahahaha
took me about 1 month and a half to get two chars lvl 34 and 35 and i took a break for about a month
took me 7 weeks to get to level 51
(maple nerd sort of)