All posts by Waterwaker


Macaw’s pretty doggy made me wanna show all my pets too.. so here they are, all with short comments on each one.
Oh and if you’ve seen any of my previous blogs.. you’ll notice that nearly every picture I’ve put has been in a link, well that’s only cause every picture I have is way too big to attatch..

Kelly the still living nearly 6 year old deer mouse!
Ryder and Ziggy being held by tiny me
Ryder and Ziggy being all squishy under a thingy
My Rorey who I still miss so much..
Maxey in my old house holding his blankey. He had that thing for many years
All my most recent ratties. In order from left to right they’re: read more

I talked to Flenaris! :O

Being a Fire Wizard I admire Flenaris.. and today, I made a Scanian character.. and said hi!

Err, more along the lines of..:

Me: ZOMG IT’S FLENARIS!! Kidding.. just an admirring Fire Wizard saying hi
Him: hoya =o
–Few seconds later
Me: Love the 118 video
Him: thanks =o

So it didn’y last very long.. and I was too in shock that I actually whispered him in the first place(I thought I’d chicken out.. >.&gt, to say anything good besides I like your video.. >.< but the point is that I actually did! read more

My Maple day..

I had a fairly odd day today, I start playing, training and blah blah for like a half hour, and run into a nice archer dude who says he wont KS me, train with with him around for about another half hour,(Or so the Timer says..) I run into this guy I knew from my old guild. Hr gives me delightful information that guild,(I hate it now.. >.&gt that it’s pretty much dead! 4 members left. He buddys me and switches channels so I can train alone. read more

Waterwaker the Awsome!

So I finally finished my level 50 movie.. enjoy~ Another video soon coming after this, cause the big level hits in MapleStory are 30, 50 and 70 and I plan on making a killing video every 10 levels. This was just specificly for reaching level 50.

Tales of an Evil Assasin Chapter 6

The whole beginning of this, you can find here: link

Beginning with the gang.. and that old guy.. walking to the old guy’s house to begin their battle(Name will come in like 5 seconds more reading..)

Sonus: “So old guy, didn’t say your name.”
Old guy: “I’m Guy.. just kidding! My name is Susor.”
Maddie: “Interesting name..”
Danurn: “Don’t worry.. that’s what she said to me and Sonus..”
Susor: “I can see why.. well anyway, that’s my place up ahead.” read more


Well, I Faavtro, of, finally after nearly a year, get a moderator position, AFTER I get banned.

I’m filled with so much rage, (Still, after the video)but to help with some of this rage, I made a video.


NOTICE!: Video contains.. sorta foul language.. don’t view if you don’t like that!

The Tales of an Evil Assasin

Well, since I got banned from, I havn’t had anywhere to post my story.. so I decided to post it here!

I write very short.. not that good.. and have made it nearly a month(Or more..) ago.. and only gotten up to 5 chapters.. anyway onward!

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Level 50 Me!

I finally reached level 50.. so I bought a megaphone announcing it..

Me: “YES! After six long months I’ve finally reached level 50! Yes I suck..”

I actually got kinda.. afraid you might say.. by the responces.. The screenshots only show a TINY bit of what I got.. the list actually got fillled up 3 seconds after the megaphone.. and over again about 20 times.. read more


Dang, there I was training at Star Pixies hoping to get enough EXP that I’d finally level to 50 at double exp. I leave for like 15 minutes with the screen minimized. I return to my computer, bring up MapleStory again, to fnd my character stading my the guild portal with only 70 hp left. I’m like what the hell! I could have sworn I was on a safe platform at the time. read more