A tale of two thiefs…

Well this is my first blog so dont kill me for its carpyness…

Long ago, on maple island stood one of the most possibly worst beginner->thief character ever, with 18 str, 25 Dex, and 14 Luk, he was “xboxracr4lyf” for days he thought he had made a thief superior to all, when it came across him this thought:

One day while he was training, (a level 25) a level 20 came and hit double what he hit, he was completely intrigued with what had happened so he went to search the cause of this event. To his suprise, it was not the level 20 that was amazing, it was him that was less then steller. So the owner of this account becames less and less fond of Xboxracr4lyf, and the faithful day came to delete him. Everyhting was sold, not one item left, all money was transffered(200k, more than expected) and he said his final goodbye, he thoght his thief days were over untill…..

It was only 1 week after deleting xboxracr4lyf when it hit him, after seeing his friend’s assassin, he was inspired. He made a new thief, and the name, xboxracr4lyf, these old tales of turmoil and low hitting were fresh in his mind, yet i new he could build his reputation back. even though the new sin is only level 14 now, he knows one day when he reaches level 25, he will be hitting higher than that lvl 20 that caused him to delete the old xboxracr4lyf, and one day, he will be a strong assassin just like his friend.


9 thoughts on “A tale of two thiefs…”

  1. Lovely. I enjoy reading stories, mainly why I write my own.

    This time next week, you’ll be level 120.

    You just wait. *convincing nod*

  2. You know what? It took me 4 tries to finally make a bandit correctly. Even then, I still screwed up his skill build.

  3. lol i <3 this story, specially cause IM The FRIEND he got inspired by. Its true i know him in Real Life he got inspired by me ( couldnt be my other lvl 36 friend cause hes bandit) anyway its true and hes a good sin

  4. lol claw thxz soo much and every1 he really did inspire me lol, power to teh sins =D

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