The Three Friend’s Adventures Part 7

Author Thoughts:
Okay. I am going to write about 5 more chapters
of this story I guess.

The fighters started to fight Licky-Lick,Mystic and Mandy. The fighters kept dodging their attacks. Licky-Lick kept shooting crossbow arrows. Mandy’s attacks were to slow. Mystic shot Fire Arrows from his wand. One of the fire arrows hit one of the fighters and knocked him to the ground but he quickly threw his shield at Licky-Lick. Licky-Lick wasn’t looking and got knocked out. The other fighter used rage and his power boosted rapidly and then he knocked Mandy out. Mystic couldn’t handle two people so Brian,Denny and Ondiek helped.Ondiek used ice beam on both of them and they were frozen then Denny and Brian charged up their attacks. Then Mystic shot two fire arrows to make the ice melt. The fighters started moving again they Denny and Brian released their attacks and defeated the two fighters.


Ondiek used ice beam on TXAssassin and TXAssassin was frozen. They took his guild members and TXAssassin to the MPD ( Maple Police Department).Licky-Lick, Mandy and Mystic were in the hospital. Licky-Lick and Mandy were just knocked out and Mystic had a broken bone. Po-Po was saved to and just needed to sleep so they brought him to his hotel room. Ondiek started a guild called Friends. Friends was a guild to help friends fight people especially TXAssassin.

Brian:Man! I’m going to go train to become strong so I can defeat TXAssassin. So long guys! I’m going to ludibrium.

Ondiek and Denny:Bye Brian!See you in a month!

Brian got packed and left.

Ondiek:This is boring with out Brian…

Denny:I know…

Then it said something on the MN(Maple News).

News Reporter:There is currently a bandit killer on the loose so becareful everyone. The bandit lurks around hotels mostly. The bandit has already murdered over 1,000 people. Take care.

To be continued…

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