The Horrors Of Maple Story

Yay, I’m gonna continue doing siggies after my com screwed up and photobucket refused to load it’s text engine. I’m using this blog as a siggy storage place.

Index to be: (Coming soon)

Not taking anymore request currently. Anyway, 4 people, pls tell me what exact job you are.

These people are:
AnbuNinja04 (I need to know your job, so can’t do yet, sorry)
raeken (I need to know your job too)
c13r1chunt3r (Same as above)
goodd (Same reason as above)

I am a lamer tq. There will be a little bit of delay due to overexcessive amounts of requests.

While waiting, I present to you a side story.

The Horrors Of Maple Story

Words to take note of first: chionging, peer pressure, self-denial and lamer.

These words roughly describe this rant.

A young hippie, dancing gheyly around in the grass, 13 hours a day, loser and jerk, 1 goal.. to become….

Hey wait!!! WTH is that doing in here! Okay, that should be about it

A young teenager, sitting in front of the computer, 13 hours a day, 3 2x exp slots, 1 msg map.

This is a common social trend in our ever-growing society. Video games are a good thing. They help you destress and is also like your hobby, thus there is nothing wrong to spend money on it (Unless you can collect stamps for free =.=).

These people chiong (train as though their stoning on red bull) away most of their days. Doing what? Playing an MMORPG. MMORPGs aren’t bad. Read it out loud. Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

Definition of Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game:

Massive- Very big

Multiplayer- Played by multiple users

Online- On the internet

Role Playing- Playing on a Role xD

Game- Something you should have fun in

That translates into: Played by very big amounts of users on the internet by playing as a character/role while having fun.

That’s where peer pressure comes in.

Imagine…. One day, your best friend walks up to you

Friend: Hey {name}
{name}: Hey
Friend: What level are you in Maple?
{name}: 34
Friend: ROFLMFAO NOOB!!! NOOB!!! LOLLOLLOL!!! I’m level 120, I totally pwned you!!!

Now, {name} then (usually but if it doesn’t happen, you hold no right to sue me because you have read this sentence) chiongs and chiongs just to beat his friend or actually, earn back his friend’s respect because he would probably get closer to an “elite” group of high levelled players.

At this stage, {name} starts turning more like them so that they will like him and then, he walks up to Friend2:

{name}: Hey Friend2
Friend2: Hey
Friend: What level are you in Maple?
Friend2: 34
Friend: ROFLMFAO NOOB!!! NOOB!!! LOLLOLLOL!!! I’m level 120, I totally pwned you!!!

The cycle goes on. A very sad thing. They put themselves in self-denial.

Self-denial: I’m level 120 now, so I should keep on training to increase my authority over noobs
Actual: I’ve spend most of my time on the com now, I shall spend more to be able to so-called “hang out” with the “cool” people and now I’m becoming a control freak who is very possessive.

Ok, my story ends here, hope you enjoyed it. Of course, some who make it high level are much much better because they don’t resort to self-denial for pleasure unlike some people.

I am a lamer.

12 thoughts on “The Horrors Of Maple Story”

  1. I think you are still aiming at someone >.>

    No you are not a lamer . Unless you want us to call you a lamer .


    I get your point . And I know who are you aiming at . -___-

    Da whale face [name created by Silver]


    ph34r it .

  2. Being a high level gives better socialising opportunities.
    Also, it is normal for high levelled player to want to shun lower levelled players since technically
    1. The high levelled player has been treated the same way before. (This is society. This is an everyday thing that applies not only in maple story)
    2. Lower levelled players cannot ‘help’ them in any way. (Like with quests, partying at stronger mobs or giving buffs)

    Lol partying at stronger monsters. The word party has 2 meanings.

  3. So, to xShadowSinx, Annikabelle’s level is really low, is it? So low till he should treat her like a total noob and try and control her like a pet. F@<k ss, I’m going to sleep

  4. TOLD JA. YOU ARE Aiming at him .


    You can shut up about him now .

    I dont care about him .

    He doesn’t care about me .

    De End .


  5. I am i/l mage.
    MAGE, not wizard. MAGE.
    NOT magician. MAGE.
    lvl 108 in fact.
    . . .you can ignore the gloating if you want.

  6. Friend: Hey {name}
    {name}: Hey
    Friend: What level are you in Maple?
    {name}: 34
    Friend: ROFLMFAO NOOB! NOOB! LOLLOLLOL! I’m level 120, I totally pwned you!

    It’s so stupid when people do that -__-“.

  7. Ph34r me, for I have a level, *insert dramatic music* TWENTY-FIVE (count it (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,. . .)) warrior. . . . on. . . . .BETA! Ehh, I’ll stop ow. . .

    Edit : Typo detected, “ow” should be “now”

  8. I think that the longest I ever played was for five hours, because it was summer vacation and I was bored as hell. I didn’t even train, I just spent that time talking to everyone on my buddy list and guild.

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