The day I decided to “donate&quot

Yes, I was mad. I went to buy a 24 hour 2x on 10pm on 13th of October just after BBG had their Resonance reformation.

I went at a retardedly slow speed.

Time- Level/%
10pm- 38/3%
11pm- 38/4x or 5x%
12am- 38/9x%
12.30am- 39/0%

I went to bed in anticipation of levelling to 40 the next day.

The next day when I woke up, devilryfire told me that if I did not level to 42 that day, I would be wasting my card like hell (even if I did, I would be still wasting it as 38 to 42 is owned by 54 to 58)

From 8 o’clock till 11 o’clock I went on a mad training spree

Time- Level/%/Training Spot
10am-40/0/Kitties =D

It was going so well, then the ksers woke up.

Time- Level/%/Training Spot
11am-40/0/Dining table (Lol, I was training on instant noodles)
12pm- 40/30/Kitties
1pm- 40/60/Kitties~ Woot! A 60% Wand!
2pm- 40/90/Kitties
3pm- 41/0/Kitties, Dining Table (Zaru soba this time)

I decided to go level my noob lv20 archer (which I almost failed to do so)
3pm- 20/50/Mushies
4pm- 21/70/MUshies (I’ll go level him up today)

Then devil reminded me not to let my money go to waste. So back to verbose I was.

4pm- 41/0/Toy Factory (Kept on dcing!)
5pm- 41/23/Toy Factory & Orbis ship (Did some quest and headed back to vic)
6pm-41/50/Burning Zone (Fire boar spawn really really sux!)
7pm- 41/85/Lorang x3 (Lorangs 0wn Fire boars!)
8pm- 42/0/Lorang x3 (I levelled woot!)

Altogether I made about 200k

*receives cold stares*

What?! I’m a fighter!!! Fa-less one!

Then I decided to start a pure int mage

Time- Level/%/Training Spot
9pm- 1/0/Maple Island
10pm- 11/not sure/Buying horns in Orbis =D
11pm- 16/not sure/Still buying horns
12am- 17/not sure/Went back to vic to train

My two times only expired at 11pm o_O

9 thoughts on “The day I decided to “donate&quot”

  1. Hey man, lucky you. You guys think you’re slow. Compare it to my speed. Lvl 1 to Lvl20 in hmm lets see. . . FIVE MONTHS!

  2. Wow. Congrats! In the end, nice to know that you didn’t waste your money :]

    Now, be a lovely and get me one for myself please? <3;;;;

    xD Well congratulations.

  3. IndigoLove said: “Wow. Congrats! In the end, nice to know that you didn’t waste your money :]

    Now, be a lovely and get me one for myself please? <3;;;;

    xD Well congratulations.”

    Lol tyty. But I turned sleepy 😉

  4. Grats Verbose, Man I want those double exp cards. . .
    Then I would ACTUALLY train instead of Pqing all day =P


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