Feminist on Maple Story

It really sucks to be a feminist on Maple Story.

I saw someone today that infuriated me. No, he didn’t say a word to me. He wasn’t in my way. It was just him being there. It was his name. How callous do you have to be to make a character named “r4ped”? I wish that I had done something; defamed him, screamed at him, at least give him a nice F5. I didn’t do anything, though. I didn’t even mention it to my friend, whom I was gallivanting through Amoria with. I pushed Report to GM, vaguely hoping that a new option on the pull-down menu called “Blatant Misogynism” had magically appeared. It hadn’t.

Every time I see something like this, some incident, I grit my teeth and move on. The internet is the bigot’s vent. They dump all their prejudice and sexism and racism there, and say things they wouldn’t dream of voicing aloud in real life. I’ve never done anything before. I’ve become somewhat disillusioned with people’s good intentions. My doctrine has become something along the lines of, “you are an asshole until proven otherwise.”

No more will I stand by quietly. Even if it doesn’t help, I’ll speak up. If anything, it’ll serve as a reminder to the chauvinistic dude that it’s not our damn fault if nobody loves him.

3 thoughts on “Feminist on Maple Story”

  1. ok, i understand where your coming from, but did you ever think he was acting out from a personal trauma? it could’ve been a psychological thing.
    it maybe not have anything to do with him being a sexist, it could’ve been his own thing.
    before you get too angry, stop and thing about what the other possibilities might be.

  2. Isn’t ‘feminist’ mean someone who is in favour of women’s rights or something? o__o

    The character’s name might just be a joke, considering the 1337 speak in it.


  3. Welcome to MMOTales~!

    Technically, Fenrir, he can’t use the right spelling for it. The character would get banned. ._.

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