A Story Of Love .::CHAPTER 9::.

It was another bright and sunny day and the priest had just finshed her breakfast when her servant walked into the room. “Madam, Ms heartcandiie has just arrived.” the servant announced. With that, the
priest went out to welcome her friend.
The friends chatted for quite a while and before long, the sun had already set. Just then, a guard rushed in, with blood dripping from his chest. A steely was stuck to his ribs and he was panting heavily. “My ladies, the palace security has been breached! An assassin took down all our guards. Captain Shadowlubu is fighting him now, but i’m afraid
he won’t be enough. Ladies flee while you can! Flee before he- ” the guard was interrupted by a bashing of things. Suddenly, Captain Shadowlubu came flying in, crashing on the wall. He fell down and his eyes were closed.
Just then, another person, with stars armed in each hands, charged at the guard, throwing his stars before jumping away. The ladies prepared themselves with their weapons : The priest with her staff and heartcandiie with her bow.
They knew this was going to be a tough fight

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