So this game called Guild Wars…

My friends have been trying to get me into this game for months now and I was too distracted by Maple to actually get it. So Factions came out a while ago and I was tempted since they introduced an assassin class(and every MMO I end up playing this class no matter what, even if I tell myself to try something new. But every Assassin class in each game is different…so I guess it works out.) Anyways, I ended up picking it up this weekend, and I’m having a blast! I haven’t done any PvP yet, and I really haven’t grouped with anyone to do a quest but I’m having fun!! I wanted to get a feel for the game first. So so far I have 3 characters, Jedah Alrun a Ritualist/Necro, Vaiox Biotch a Warrior/Ranger and Sena Kunisada an Assassin…but I plan to make the secondary a monk. I already have a pet tiger with my warrior, which makes me very happy since Husky has not come out yet on Maple…AND I don’t have to pay to get a pet…AND it actually does something.

Not saying I dislike Maple all of a sudden. Although, I’ve been playing Guild Wars so much lately, it’s been gaining my favor over Maple as of late. Not being able to get on Maple or the site isn’t helping that either. Although I’m sure after the Maple update I’ll see-saw back over to that one…

12 thoughts on “So this game called Guild Wars…”

  1. it’s a game you have to buy from a store kid

    I’ve got a 20 Ele/Mes, no factions yet though. When I do get it though, I’m making a sin/ele

  2. True but unlike DAOC u dont have to pay monthly for guild was im planning onb uying factions soon i heard its awesome

    *DAOC= Dark Age Of Camelot

  3. heres my characters
    warrior warhammer A:lvl 20 warrior/monk (1st ever character and hes still going)
    the ghost sheperd:lvl 20 monk/mesmer
    gold assassins:lvl 20 assassin/ranger
    red dragon champion: lvl 20 warrior/monk
    yourlocal hitman:lvl 16 assassin/warrior
    rurik swiftblade:lvl 3 warrior

    if you get both guild wars and factions you get 6 months and i got to wait till august to get my mini pet ive been on 9 months and have to be playing 12 months to get a mini pet

    you must get both if you want to get the full story to guild wars

  4. Yeh, Phoenix is right, you pick it up at anygame store. Factions retail is around 50 right now, and I think the original around 40. However, online play is free so it’s well worth the purchase.

    Ah, so that’s how you have so many chara’s GW. And that’s funny, I had to get an update for my graphics card to play guildwars, lol

  5. Guild Wars is fun, but it’s very serious. The people on Guild Wars, I have found, are mostly 14+, and as a result the ones with a bad temper are even worse than the kids on MS with bad tempers. You have to try the PvP aspect of Guild Wars though, because that’s why defines Guild Wars as Guild Wars and not “just another MMORPG”. I’ll go into brief detail about the different kinds of PvP.

    Random Arenas: Here, you get in a group of four randomly chosen people. Luck plays a factor, because if you end up with a monk or two and high damagers who know what they’re doing, then you and your group may go far. 10 consecutive wins with the same group takes you to Team Areans.

    Team Arenas: Here, you make your own group of four people and face off against other groups.

    Guild Battles: These are 8 v 8 fights, and can last anywhere from 5:00 minutes to ~45:00 (not having played GW for a while, I forgot when victory or death was) with the objective being to kill the enemy guild lord, or get all enemies down to -60% death penalty so that no one on the enemy team resurrects. Eventually, if the fight drags on, then your team’s guild lord npc will ride out to meet the enemy guild lord in the middle of the map. The game doesn’t last much longer past this point.

    In Factions, there’s also a type of PvP that features 12 v 12 with the 12 players on each team split into groups of, 4 was it? I haven’t gotten that far in Factions yet, since I play MS more. But these fights conquer actual territory, and if you’re part of the guild alliance in control of outposts and areas, you get benefits, such as cheaper NPC items, special missions etc.

    Guild Wars is fun, but like I said, very serious. I used to be in a relatively good guild (we hit rank 175, before new styles of play caught up on us and we couldn’t master it), and you’ll need teamspeak or ventrilo, plus a headset, to do GvG properly (guild vs guild). Lots of swearing will be involved from frustrated team members, plans backfiring, etc. MS is much lighter, especially if you’re playing with some friends.

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