Vicelin is a noob!

Noobs really tick me off sometimes. Like majorly. Like I want to meet them IRL and sprinkle rat poisoning in their oatmeal. If they eat oatmeal.

I especially hate noobs who call other people noobs. And judge you like they know every little thing about you. And imagine you in real life as some stupid little ten-year-old kid who had never played the game.

Like for a stupid little mistake. You get called a noob.

Little mistakes.

Like what happened in these screenies.

I put on DS and jumped down to the block monsters. But my thumb hit my spacebar, which is my attack key, and DS went *poof* gone.

So yea, because of that little mistake, I died.

And everyone was like, N00B LEADER OMG…WTMF B. B. Q.

And then of course, every person on Maple is ALWAYS looking for a reason to tell someone that they are better than them. But I wasn’t in a bad mood today, so it didn’t bother me. Plus my friend Blazer talking about his myspace was amusing and kept me distracted from teh meen ppl.

Besides, I have good things to look forward to.

Like xxr3b0rnxx getting visits from Catalyst in the near future ^_^

So yea. When people make mistakes guys, just LET IT GO. It’s no big deal, it’s just a game.

“Regrets are just a way for the foolish and the guilty to pass the time.” -Cho Hakkai, Saiyuki.

Watch anime. It gives you good morals!

15 thoughts on “Vicelin is a noob!”

  1. I haven’t died yet o.O. Seriously I don’t know how much damage they do, but I know not to touchie them. o.O

  2. D= Man, that blows.
    I do agree though, because people don’t have the right to judge you if they’ve barely met you.
    Just ignore it? =

    At any rate, Saiyuki, ? D= I guess I can’t say anything until I watch the whole thing, or read the manga, but by the first episode I didn’t like it =[ They swore excessively =[ (Plus, I’m just not a fan of anime like that, so whatever. Not my type, I guess =o )

  3. Mann, it sucks. Someone drops something, and i pick it up, BECAUSE I AM SO GOOD. =] but anyways, yea, i pick it up, THEY call ME a noob. what.

  4. 8039 damage. I. Got. Hit. It was fun ^^ no really.

    But yeah, I sympathize.

  5. Poor poor little vicelin, don’t forget to let me PQ with you! ^^.

    ~ ChaoSpearz ~

  6. chaosmaple said: “wait, there’s maplestory for DS?!?!?! what WHER EI HAVE BEEN?!?!?”

    I hope you’re kidding. I really do. Otherwise I just might have to say, “AHAHAHAH WAHT A F’IN NOOB HE DOESN’T KNO DS STANDS FOR DARKSIGHT HAAHAHAHAHAH.” In all caps, misspelled, and with no punctuation. I hate people like that.

  7. Uh, not THAT kind of DS, chaosmaple. And Chaospears- soon! I promise! Once I get on Cari again XD

  8. Ouch. I feel your pain. I remember getting scolded like decomposed matter when I first PQ-ed. I felt like punching my party members, they were so evil.

  9. I know, they are pretty relentless -_-; But I’m level 48! Does that sound noob? >_<

  10. One time I dropped a few 1k bags in the golem pit(by hanging on the rope) and some opals, sin jumps down there, f2s and walks around the money to tease, ds runs out, dead lawl.

  11. Chaospears, Maplestory for DS is coming out next year I think. I’m serious. They announced that in E3? Iono I’ve never been there. Wait. . . I remember you, Vicelin. . .you kicked me out of PQ once because I was the lowest lvl and there was a little argument about who was the “noob”. Lol I thought of that now that I actually thought about this blog o.O. Ah, leveling hurts when you play 4 hrs a day or something.

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