Welcome to MMO Tales!

Oh YAY, mah first ever blog, I doubt if anyone will read it, besides, who does read this stuff anyway?

“People around the world do.”

Okay, who was that?!

“I’m your conscious…”



I’ve seriously gone InSaNe….

“No you haven’t.”

Yesh meh have.




Okay OKAY! Can we get to the point CONSCIOUS?

“Yes, please do talk now.”




“Anything at all?”


“How about you introduce yourself?”


“It’s formal to introduce yourself, especially-



The kid that lives in a box.


Anything that has atleast one syllable in it’s name.


Scaring the crap out of people.



Anywhere between 1 and 100.

“Wow, you’re very secretive.”

Thank Yah.


Note: Yesh, first day blogging, blah blah blah. I’m so gonna get blog-addict-i o_0 More to come. *stares at conscious >_>*

15 thoughts on “Welcome to MMO Tales!”

  1. Welcome to MMOT! I like your style, have a good feeling that you will make it far here!

    If you have any questions, message me!
    Happy Mapling, and WELCOME!

  2. Wow. Short, straight forward, and right to the point. But seriously, we like it here, and you will too. The rules aren’t too strict, but please try to abide by them! ^_^

  3. xXVEGGIEXx said: “Wow. Short, straight forward, and right to the point. But seriously, we like it here, and you will too. The rules aren’t too strict, but please try to abide by them! ^_^”

    Had to be blunt

    i’m getting tired of greeting everyone

  4. Yeah. . . but this guy deserves a warm introduction.

    Let us raise our hands and say “Hazzah! For another literate person has arrived.”

  5. Definately straight to the point.

    ‘Cept your confusing blog title, but who cares about that?

  6. Yea welcome,^^ my pet hamsters like yuuuuu, *hamsters crowd around yu*

    Sunny. I AM SUNNY! FEAR MEH!

  7. Well hello there! Welcome! I’m not going to say anything else so if you were expecting a better greeting than tough luck.


  8. Thumbs up pose for being literate. Rock on, dude.
    I’m Mip, the local mod. Affectionally known as ‘Steel-Whip Mip’ to most. Lovely meeting you, please enjoy your stay here and keep to the rules!

    Have fun~


  9. . . .

    I do believe it’s spelled “definitely”, not “definately”. It looks right-er, anyway.

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