I hear that Tiger lost his account and suddenly there’s a big crowd of people saying he deserved it. I don’t know what all of you care but first of all, no one here should be allowed to say he deserved to be banned. There’s are hundreds and maybe thousnads of hackers and account sharers. I’m sure many of you have trained on a friend’s account, and I’m just as sure none of you are as high of a level as Tiger. Does the fact he broke a small rule make him any worse of a character? Is the fact that 2 people played on it the same as the char automatically not existing?
Those of you who hate him: there will always be godly players out there. If not Tiger then someone else. You’re simply being arrogant and unwilling to admit that a single player that’s better than you exists, or that just because your own level is really low, that all competition in leveling is automatically an inane idea. I know for a fact if I were on 24/7 I would probably be lvl 90 or so, and there are many poeple over 100 in Windia, so I’m willing to admit that I’m not a good a player as some. Everyone thinks that they automatically are better than Tiger because he shares. Would you guys have any clue how to train that fast yourselves? Share an account, go ahead. You won’t get anywhere. Everyone here’s proving themselves to be as arrogant as the whole flock of SSBM people who say they’ll never lose to anyone, when it’s so obvious people like Ken and Azen exist that have real experience. Just because you may push yourselves to the limit to train and not get that far doesn’t mean that you’re a great player. Your limit may simply be not as far as someone else’s limit. You have to accept that no matter how good you are someone will be better.
And for those people that did hack his account: you guys are simply absolutely despicable. I don’t know how you see yourselves as so much better than him and think you’re doing everyone a “service” by showing how nice the owners of Tiger are. They must have obviously trusted you with the account, and you backstab him by taking it. You yourself don’t deserve any friends, and I hope all your own friends backstab you when you need them. Of course, being the worthless scum you are, you probably don’t have any friends that you aren’t already planning to steal from for your own personal benefit and leave them to rot. You hackers are worthless abusers of a nice person’s trust, and you better cover your asses, because I’m sure many people are willing to tear you guys to shreds. Call Tiger as dumb as you want for letting his friends use his account, everyone knows that a friend that backstabs is the worst kind of person alive.
And those who think he deserved it: can you get over the fact that he shares? Can’t you see some worth in the world when it’s staring you guys in the face? Retribution doesn’t work. Retribution means everyone loses. Recently Daron Rutter was sued by Wizards of the Coast for $90,000 for leaking top secret MtG card playtest information. This was met by a huge base of protest, which I for one was part of. Daron Rutter, also known as Rnacored_Elf, was little more than a family man, and got his information from a betrayer from inside WotC itself. That worked out fine, because the corporation decided to settle, but the point is: let the rules be fiddled around with. There should have been a warning with R_E instead of taking it to court, and for Tiger there should have been a warning by Wizet. Simply put, this situation was no better than a lynch by hateful racists. Except worse, in lynching both parties despise each other, and here, the hackers had the complete trust of Gav and Craig. What happened to all the work he put into it? If you wrote a fiction book and it was burned before it could make print, would that be a loss? Of course, it didn’t HELP anyone else, and it’s just information that’s irrelevant to the world, but it’s your soul that was burned with it. And what about Tiger’s friends? xSakura? So everyone just ignores his disappearance?
Come on, say your best friend tells a few lies here and there. He gets murdered by a man he lied to, who happened to lead a gang. You just say “F*** him, he’s a liar and deserved to die.”? Would that be right? So just because he wasn’t perfect you automatically don’t care about your friend at all?
For now, I no longer have anything to say. This is a terrible world we live in.
Huh? Did Tiger lose his account to a hacker or did he get banned by Wizet or is this all silly rumors? If the first is true, ouch.
One of the people Tiger let use his account to mess around with got together with his friends and stole the account.
At the risk of repeating myself: Ouch.
oo000oooo, ouch. ><
poor him.
nicely worded and well supported. You’ve persuaded me to think twice before I say anything.
I’m just upset that he shared an account because. . . Well, because I think it’s stupid and dangerous
-refer to my “Sharing Accounts Kills” blog-
I just think this is overhyped. Well, just Tiger in general. Like you said, there’s always going to be someone better than you. So who cares about Tiger? ^^;; (Sorry for being rude)
LOL ouch is too low, hmm, how bout AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I’m just upset that he shared an account because. . . Well, because I think it’s stupid and dangerous
-refer to my “Sharing Accounts Kills” blog-
I just think this is overhyped. Well, just Tiger in general. Like you said, there’s always going to be someone better than you. So who cares about Tiger? ^^;; (Sorry for being rude)”
(haha i like quoting) anyway, say “bob” has a lvl 500 and he has 2 great friends. they are “ted” and “buddy”(heh). “ted” is “bobs” best friend so “bob” lets him use his account. and then “buddy” saw “ted” typing in “bobs” information and stole it forever keeping it.(moral: DONT TELL ANY1 BOUT UR INFO DUR)
oh i edited it >.<
OK I feel sorry for Tiger but when did he get hacked? but just to let you know to tell you something it’s kinda his own fault he let them use it they back stab him he lose and now his acc is gone forever, the second thing is that friend of his is very low to do that, very very low. Anyways I didn’t know this but when did he get hacked?
i shared my old account (before someone other than my friends keylogged it) with 2 friends on Maplestory.
now im playing on my Best friend’s account (I deserve to be able to train on it because i made it for him =P)
UH UH My brother knows my Account and I knows his account ^^