Zofmg? WoW and MS?!??!

I recently quit World of Warcraft in order to pursue a healthy? maplestory life. Leaving my guild and all my friends behind me was to hard so I decided that I would log back onto WoW every week or so.

I tried to stay current in the guild news (seeing how I helped bring Kael down, I should remain an active part of the guild discussions) but due to Christmas, I was unable to log on for two weeks. When I did come back, I was in shock at the events that have occurred. Whispering my friends and sending out WoW mail, I asked what happened to the guild I was in.

What happened was drastic! You see, this guild wasn’t ran by one person, it was ran by a group of people known as the council. Two members of this council were husband and wife. They both decided that the guild wasn’t progressing the way they wanted to (BS, WE JUST KILLED KAEL) and they decided to switch servers to join a BT raiding guild. Now… this was fine by my standards but the story goes on. The two of them convince 2 more council members to come to this new guild as well as 13 core raiding members. Losing 17 people in one day is harsh, especially two main tanks, a couple core raiders and 4 council members…

My dear friend and the last remaining council member was unaware of this as was the majority of the guild. The conversations were done indiscreetly as well as last minute, they all transfered at the same time. (or so I hear.)

Looking at the guild forums, I can state that this is what happened. The one remaining council member was disapointed in what happened and this guild was no more, we lacked the sufficient amount of people to raid. This guild went from a Mt. Hyjal raiding guild to a Gruuls Lair guild. The guild was forced to merge with another guild and that’s where we stand today… them raiding Gruuls and me not doing much.

I would love to come back but I do not have the time to meet the raiding hours , nor do I have the patience to run Gruuls when I ran Mt. Hyjal just a month ago. Degrading content is not content I want to do, nor do I think it’s right that a guild is tarnished because of a few bad seeds. It’s a shame that these bad seeds broke apart a progressing guild and one of the best guilds on the server. I am truely ashamed to consider these 17 individuals friends and guildies. (alright, 11 of them were friends, the other 6 were just assholes).

I will end my rant about WoW right now and move on.


I haven’t blogged in a while… this is because I was gone or busy leveling.
In other news…

I have reached level 83 in Maplestory.
: )

4 thoughts on “Zofmg? WoW and MS?!??!”

  1. Healthy Maplestory life eh?

    I’ve been playing since like Sept. 2007 and do you know how many hours of sleep i’ve lost?
    Heck, i’m supposed to be sleeping right now and I just got off Maple. -_-

    Gratz on teh lvl up.

  2. Really depends on the person.

    Me for example, I slept this morning. And when I say morning, I mean I slept at six. And woke up at eight to book into camp.

    Wasn’t playing maple, though, so I dunno if that counts. =P

  3. Ugh. Wow. Losing all the good people in the guild has to suck.

    I find the tank loss the hardest-it’s really hard to get a good warrior or paladin-and to get the accustomed to what the guild does.

    It’s why I join casual guilds-there’s no strict goal.

    Anyway, g’luck on Maple!

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