Crest White Stripes, Rembrandt and MS.

Someone asked for longer blogs, this blogs just for you

So I recently switched from Crest White Stripes to Rembrandt White Stripes, right from that start I noticed that they were a LOT easier to put on. It was like BAM, so if you’re a coffee drinker like me.. don’t rely on that toothpaste and toothbrush. Go out, buy the Rembrandt Stripes and you’ll notice whiter teeth. (I’ve been using White Stripes for a while… can’t stop drinking that coffee). It’s a 40 dollar investment for 6 months of a brighter smile. I’ll put up pics when my 10 days of it are over… so you can TASTE (its minty) the difference.

Anyways, on MS: I stayed up till around 4 a.m? doing the Ludiberm,ludiburg? (sp) Player Quest. I leveled up twice in there… now I’m level 37, halfway to 38. I figured… I can’t really PQ during the day as a lower level so my best chances are at night… when theres less players on. It also doesn’t take 3 hours just to get into one PQ at night…

So yea,
Thats what my blogs about today.
It’s longer, I suppose. ; )

Have fun today guys, I still have 20 more minutes of this White Stripes. BLAH

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