“CC plz”

These two words are probably the most annoying phrase in the mapling community and I’m going to explain why and what u should do about it!

Ok first what does CC plz mean anyway. It means please change channels. Every I repeat Every noob uses this phrase. Now this makes no sense because an mmorpg (massivly-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game) (I think thats what it is) is about socializing and making online friends and sharing a good time with other people because single games are really freaking boring after a week. (unless your talking halo2 on xbox live but thats still multiple people playing). When you socialize in a game your supposed to share maps and get to know people better (even if they lie about everything they say) u can still feel like ur getting to know someone. So when a noob says “CC Plz” they mean “I want to be a lonely old person for the rest of my mapling life Please leave me alone even though i dont want to say please”. That is a noob translation of what CC Plz means. Now how to deal with someone who says that. First ask them why they are saying that. Now they will say either one of these things or both. They might say “Because I want he map to myslef so i can gain exp faster and not have ksing problems”. Now that explanation is sort of well thought out and is a reasonable reason to go on your way. So you can choose to keep going or tell them this game is about socializing and try to convince them that they should share. Or they will say “Stupid noob get the f*** outta here!!” and they will probably spam that. Now this is rude and should not be treated with respect. But instead of calling ur buddys/guild members and start a ksing/defaming war you should just leave because there’s no reason to bother someone who clearly wants to be alone any further. You can leave or just try to convince them. If you are someone who says “CC Plz” alot I’m sorry if I offended you but this game is about sharing the fun expieriences with other people. If you say that you should do a couple things. First you should try and stop. If you are to serious a mapler to do that then at least start saying “Please change channels” Even though its so many more letters to type. You will get more respect usually (I know I have). After that if you are willing to share maps start talking to the other person/people. Who knows? You could make a great buddy out of it. So I hope this long, long, very long blog has helped you to understand better why you shouldnt say “cc plz” and what do to if someone says that to you. -Note- I can’t gurantee results so if these techniques dont work, dont blame me. Thank you and have a good one! =D

10 thoughts on ““CC plz””

  1. . . . Well, personally, I just deal with it and change channels. The game is all about maturity. Unless they’re rude to me about it.


  2. Well, I can switch chs anytime, Anger management is recommended for those who don’t xD

  3. Usually I just switch channels, but when every channel there’s someone asking me to cc, I get pretty annoyed.

  4. well if u r asked nicely i dont see a problem and then thank the person too cuz people just spam CC PLz u know

  5. Usually, I cc before people ask me to. Sometimes, I’m just passing through and they will start spamming “cc plz”, which truly gets annoying.
    It bothers me some when the map is big and there’s only one people there that they ask you to cc; after all, when *I* solo a map, I only change platform because if I don’t, the others won’t respawn so quickly. With two people in a large map the respawn should be steady enough. I wish people could understand that.
    I have yet to find one that will ask to party rather than cc plz.

    As for typing “cc plz” and not “please change channels.”, I read a blog on here (the one that coaxed me to join) that was pretty reasonable about it. Sometimes, there’s just no time for that if you’re in a though map and you don’t want to die/get KSed.

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