Love Frozen in El Nath Part. III

—- The Yeti appeared be for he answered Tsukkie so I will usually call him by “He or Him” —-

he Yeti began to strike as He held o not me tightly, jumping into their with me in his arms.

I had a flashback. How Cjeey carried me up through the air. I look back at his face, how he resembles Cjeey so much.

We landed and faced the Giant Yeti as He reached for his Kunai case taking out a Steely, Oh how much he resemble Him!<Cjeey>

I shot Arrows of Light streaking pass him while he throws his Kunai. The Yeti lifts its arms up in the air and began to strike!

He told me to jump! Until another flash back occurred of how my love got hit and fell off the side of the cliff.

Anger raged in me! as I jump with my staff in hand began to attack!, Claws flying across the Yetis body, it roared and swungged it arms hitting her friend flying across into the snow. I ran to him
“Are you all right!!”
He replied “Ungg..take this” He hands her his last Steely and passes out..

I turned my head quickly with a look of terrifying anger, “Grr!!” I ran quickly mustering all my mana into the Kunai as it glows a bright blue!

I began to leap into the air above the Yeti and posed to land on it’s back. The Yeti raised it’s arms and trys to catch me but I slipped through it figures and landed on its back. I grasped its neck and Trust the Kunai in it’s neck while it flails, me still holding on with all my might until…

The Yeti dropped…

I picked myself up exhausted and walked over to him, I use the last ounce of Mana to heal him, I passed out as we both lay there motionless..


Sorry for the shortness I’ll try to add more if I can, since it looked so long on Paper! >.<;;

6 thoughts on “Love Frozen in El Nath Part. III”

  1. too short; if you write a sequal at lest make it long enough to be worth the clicking

  2. sweet . xxcleric87, o_o it’s hard to please everyone. lol. this one was awesome. do some spell checks. what i do is go on ms word first, then i crop it here.) these are so cool. once agained i got pwned by you

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