Help and suggestions on getting Nx cash

Alright i was wondering if anyone had suggestions on getting NX cash without a credit card. I’m under 18, and my mom says she wont give her credit card # to a ”site she doesn’t know is secure”. I have a paypal account, but of course I can’t give my credit card # because I don’t have one, so what’s the point? Oh well. If anyone has suggestions, post a comment on how I can get some without giving ur credit card number.

5 thoughts on “Help and suggestions on getting Nx cash”

  1. Oh yeah, P.S. the only person I know in rl that plays MS is a lvl 11 magician who doesn’t even know how to cast magic. Sad part about that is, well, um, she doesn’t even care that
    A. She sucks at MS.
    B. She keeps trying to fame ppl and has no clue ya gotta be lv 15 and
    c. Doesn’t care if I scold her because she doesn’t know how to use potions.
    Yeah, I’ll just take the prepaid card idea. Thanks.

  2. Ask a friend you know IN REAL LIFE if possible,
    Or just wait until pre-paid cards come out :3

  3. prepaid credit cards. mastercard does that there called like dot prepaid something like that costs $5 to charge everytime and like $60 the first time,me n my bro share one cuz our parents dont wanna get there “identity” stolen , u can get one from like a gas station or check

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