9 thoughts on “now the price come back to 8.99$ per 10M”

  1. Helped you edit:

    Title: now the price has gone down to the original price of {I’m a stupid advertiser}

    We are an internet game service providing company,
    to help you have a pleasant game enviroment, we supply
    silkroad online gold at low prices, such as {I’m a stupid advertiser}

    {IMO, I’m lamest advertiser ever, coming to a site twice but failing on both occassions}

  2. Let’s RP!

    Vicelin aimed a muffin at the advertiser, laughing menacingly as she released it full-force in his direction, hitting him sqare in the head with an unusual crunching noise. The odd sound turned out to be the muffin eating off his face, as we realize that it is a man-eating muffin.

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