Okay so I’ve still been collecting those gawdamn dolls (because Rowan’s a betch) *Cough*, and this guy I know named Bruven sends me an invite. So I talk to him a bit and get annoyed. Why? Because EVERY SINGLE TIME he logs on, he stalks me EVERYWHERE. Not only that, he loots from me, he’s hardly on, he spends too much time talking and talking, and worst of all, his grammar sucks so bad, he probably couldn’t even spell his own name if you pointed a gun at his face.
He’s a total idiot too. He ALWAYS asks me where I’m at and then he proceeds to follow me and if he doesn’t know the way, he asks me, and tracks me the whole time I’m playing. The funny part is, when he follows me everywhere, I ask him why he’s stalking me and why he even plays anymore when all he does is follow me.
When I met him I was level 13 and he was level 20. I’m at level 45 going on to 46 now and he’s only level 21. =/
Then he tells me: ‘i dont stalk”
Me: “Then what are you doing now?” >=/
This guy is incredible. He follows me around constantly and even to places where he gets his ass handed to him time and time again. When I met him, I was level 13, and it was good at first, but then it got a WHOLE lot worse.
Soon, whenever he logged on, he would only talk to me, send me chat invites every 3 seconds. I mean, this guy is even worse than bellybaby. Yeah, remember her? *Shudder*
He kept saying things like: “im in luv wit u” and “where you live so i can go there and be ur bf?”
He really started scaring me. He was only 15 and I was 16 when he first attempted this. I rejected him, but he kept being persistant, always saying stuff like: “so u still have a bf?” or “can u go out wit me now?” and being over possesive to the point where I’d just punch him in the face if I could. Even his friend kept trying to hook us up, and I’d just give the same response.
“He’s too young for me and I don’t like him that way. Tell him to leave me alone for once. I only get some peace when he ISN’T on.”
Put him on my blacklist so he can get the fark out of my life. :’D!
~Happy Mapling from 13lue
Good Job. I would give you a medal if you were in Scania.
I pity you, Blue D:
But what I’d do is go somewhere you can easily survive, but where he dies easily, or to the top of a JQ. xP I’d like to see somebody follow to the top of any jumpquest. . .
Lol, those kind of people are scary. Just delete him and put him on your Blacklist.
And about the young part, I went out with a guy 6 years older than me.
Also, I might have some dolls floating around my dead account. . . maybe . . . >_> (Hint that I have too much shiet)
Hahahahahah, sucks for you.
Umm, I’ve heard of the expression dumb as a rock, and I’ve never thought it was true, Now, however, I still don’t think it’s true, but that guy is pretty dumb. D:
You aren’t s3xy enough for him?
Punching is fun.
Yeah, I would put his little *** on the blacklist too
Nice job ^_^
Woah. Creepy.
That guy was doing it all wrong! D: (Lol. Just Kidding
Anyway, it’s good that you put him on your blacklist if you want him too. You shouldn’t have to deal with that anyway.
I dunno. I think it’d be fun to go to blacklist him, go to Coolies or something, and watch him endlessly die as you don’t even reply to him.
wat good does blacklist do
The smexehiness of 13lue, see. XD
Damn, this guy is completely topping the charts of persistent stalkers. XD