I thought it was about time to level my Magician. Plus I was bored so I decided to make a mini adventure.
That sounded so corny, right? I know, just let me finish the gawdamn blog so you can be on your way. *F3*
So I go to storage and see that chinese man there like always. He starts babbling about how his storage is so safe and all that junkerz. When I ask him what he did with my underwear, he stays quiet. Storage is not so safe after all! YOU’VE GOT A CREEPY OLD GEEZER SMELLING YER UNDERGARMENTS! DDD: *Seizure* Omg! This is more shocking than that time I forgot how to stand.
Hellllllo? I’m still laying on the floor here. *Stepped on multiple times*
*End flash back*
Good times…. good times.
I saw this creepy statue that looked bored. Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was covered in a dry white substance around the two holes and smelled like old wasted hookers and bums. I always wondered what the real purpose of that statue was.
I went to watch some t.v, but all I saw was this guy getting pwned by an Iron Pig and I like screamed: “9999 Damage!” out loud and people were like: “wth??” and F6ing and then I went: “Fudge it!” and left. o.o
I went into a grinding frenzy screaming: “Fight the power!” and running around like some idiot. Eventually I got bored and I sat there and talked to myself for like an hour. o.o I swear I attracted a croud. People went: “omg she lost her mind. o.O”
I started telling jokes. And the one I’m known for…
Why are most girls Bandits and liked by most males? Because they love giving SAVAGE BLOWS! :’DDDDD
Everyone went: “OMG ROFLMAO!!”
Then I screamed “FIGHT THE POWER!” again and scared them all away. :3
Well no, not really. Maple started acting like a retawdid sonuvabesh, so I just gave up before I got to do the advancement, but ya’ll know where I’m getting at, right? RIGHT? O.O *Loads shotun*
S’what I thought.
~ link
P.s: Thank you mister for taking the screenie wit meh. <3
Ahh . Talking to yourself . -nods- It’s very chic here
That was so random. ._.
Hehe wrong blog but the screenies were funny
I had the tendacy to do something perverted. I stopped myself.
Awesome, Blue.
Now if only I was on too
I wouldnt mind if you gave me savage blows 0.0