Feelin’ 13lue…

13lue’s Drawing’s

Lawl, does anyone like the constant puns that I use as blog titles? Catchy, right? Right? o.o

Okay, I’ll just shut up and type, nao. D:

Um.. yeah. Made another drawing of myself using a slightly different style. Again, I used only MSpaint and my laptop’s wee little touch pad… and my finger. x’D Flame all you want.

If you want me to try and draw you too, you can just send me a PM with a pic of what character to draw, and I’ll get right on it.
NOTE: I can only do heashots. Please don’t complain about how crappy it came out. I try my hardest and if you don’t like it then too bad. If you ask for a redo politely, I’ll be happy to oblige. ^_^ <3

Okay, the REAL reason I wrote this blog. -_-

Things have been getting worse. PQ wise. I find a totally empty PQ room, but no one wants to go with me. I tell my friend’s about it, but all I get is an unenthusiastic: “Meh…”
Then I spend the rest of my day attempting to get into a party, lagging frequently, getting kicked out frequently -_-, and having party leaders miss all the freakin’ time. Meanwhile my other friend is PQing at the SAME EXACT time as me and he managed to go from level 44 all the way up to 48. D: I’m letting the stress get to me and that’s not good.
I probably should just shut up and take SilverFx’s advice. Maybe I just just let fate take it’s course.
But it’s so fustrating. I’m scared that I’ll be so weak, that I’ll become a laughing stock not just because of my “ugly hair”, but because my friends won’t want to put up with a noobish friend.

At least I got some laughs when BassChan said something hilarious. (See 2nd screenie)


Lately, none of my friends, save Nyctaea and Dominosx, have been paying attention to me….

Am I invisible? Have I already become too noobish for them to bother dealing with?
I don’t understand…

It’s like speaking to a brick wall. I say something, but I hear nothing.
I scream for help before I die and no one comes… but they run to someone else…
I only feel like Nyctaea and Dominosx are being the real friends to me.
I mean… I know that they have other friends too, but… It’s not fair that I suddenly become tangible and nobody notices or gives a damn.
They ask me for help, and I do whatever I can to help them. I never get a “thank you” either…

I threaten to quit and they are all like: “nu dun quit, pls” but right after I say I won’t, it goes right back to before.
They leave me alone all the time and it’s like I have no friends at all. I could have 20 friends on, speak to them, and get ignored by all of them. I’m sick of it. The only reason I’m not quitting is because I want to be there for Ny and Dom. I love them. D:>

I’m sorry I probably sound like a whinning kid, I’ll stop now…

~Happy Mapling from 13lue….

11 thoughts on “Feelin’ 13lue…”

  1. You’re a great daily blogger, boring, everyday’s tales sounds real great in your hands. Anyways, I think ur hair’s fine.

  2. *shrugs* Even with 17 guildies online all at one time, I can get no response from any of them too. I think, y’know, they get lazy to respond sometimes.

    And uh, might be that what I say are just crap. >.>

    But yeah. Don’t let the BL get you down, they aren’t supposed to. >>;

  3. Yay, I feel special, my name is in bold. . Twice!
    Er, *ahem* I have no friends either.
    Everyone deleted me, now, the most friends that are on at once on my buddy list is, 7/45 or something. o_O
    My guild barely talks to me. . and, okay, I shush.

  4. Awww. :[
    I just found a really cool clique of maplers.
    And also.
    IN CAPS!
    Yeah. :]
    I love my buddies.
    , l, _[-_-]_, l,
    Yeah, that was totally stolen from Cheezy. ^^
    Just find a few friends.
    Maybe a tight-knit guild.
    You don’t need 20 friends, otherwise you’d barely know any of them. D:

  5. Oh. Sorry for the double-post, BUTTT~
    Also, your hair is awesome. 😮
    And also.
    That drawing is AMAZING for a labtop and just paint. 😮

  6. I feel so special <33

    *gives you a hug and a cookie* It shouldn’t matter if your other friends ignore you, right? Becaussseee I am MORE IMPORTANT to you than anybody else, yes? x3
    And I’ll help you train~ <3

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