Anyone play?

Seems like everyone here just playes MS, but does anyone play the new Guild Wars: Factions. I’m a Ranger, named Bubular Activity, you can MSG me ingame whever if you play, or not.

10 thoughts on “Anyone play?”

  1. Oooo, I play that too! Well, I got Guild Wars: Nothing, haha but I think you can interact between games? I plan on buy Factions soon. I have lvl 18 Necro (Gotta Have Booze), lvl 20 Warrior (Gotta Have Krack), lvl 20 Ranger (Sir Buttered Toast), and lvl 20 Boon Healer Monk. Still in the process of getting Fissure armor for them, But I’m also planning to make a sin and Ritualist hehe,

  2. I played back on the older version then quit. Then bought Factions the day it came out, and the new classes are pretty cool. Decided to stick with archers though, Assassins arn’t very Rogueish like I was expecting. MSG me ingame sometime, PEACE.

  3. Dude i wanna play factions so bad i have th original guild wars im a necro lvl 22 Dante Azai add me if u want i hardly play anymore though cause of MS anways yeah oh yeah i have a guild Fight The Brice if anyone wants i will ad u yeah my guild is gonna kick a s s 😛

  4. GW is much better then MS, though I play both. Guild wars has more to offer and is much more fun. Friends are the only reason I am still playing MS.

  5. I dont play but be careful I listed the warning to MS and RO players Becareful of hackers unless u tell me that this is a “offline” game.My friend hacked 9acc from 8games

  6. MY frien has it 1 is a freak about it and got to lvl 20 in 1 day that freaken fast

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