Stupid Ludi

Today, I had finally reaches level 35.^^ I put on my abv average avenger and set sail form ludi! Two of my guild mates that i was helping for a quest said that they would come to luid with me to dpo my very first PQ. After finihsing thier quests, they suddenly say,”I have to go to Le Nath for a quest.” I F5’ed them and said,” I thought you were going to come to Ludi with mehhhh..” They were like sorry. SO i stormed off to Ludi by myself. On the boat, i met some level 37 Sin.(he threw Steelys, bleh) I said some hi’s and then set for Eos tower. No one wanted to party me. I went on every channel on Broa just to try to PQ. I got in one channel, but by the time they were at Crack, i had to go. I was like ARGHHHH.. Why wont Ludi PQ leaders just give us level 3X’s a chance at PQ? If we never get in, We’ll never learn how to do it properly.


6 thoughts on “Stupid Ludi”

  1. Most people assume that when you’re 3x, you’re too weak/incompetent to PQ, which is the case most of the time. The most a 3x person could do is kill the Chronos at Alishar, but then again the leader will want someone who can at least damage Alishar. Wait until 4x, or you’ll be smoked pretty quickly, even if you’re a Cleric (if you are, that is >_o).

    ~Sono-Arch Cookie of Le Nath O_o

  2. People don’t want level 3x’s at PQ usually, because, as draconicsono said, people assume you’re too weak/incompetent to PQ. And also, at Alishar, you’re basically useless. Our party had all high level 4x’s, and a member left, so we had to quickly get a new one. We got a level 38 bandit; at Alishar she did nothing but dark sight so she wouldn’t get hit, and took more time then most of us on all the stages. So yeah, >>

  3. Oh my, might be hard for me to Ludi PQ in 3 levels then =/
    -ShurikenLord of Bera
    Original author of the “Maple Wonders” series

  4. I always let 3x in my party when I was level 50 ^^ Some of them are actually more mature and nicer than some 4x people. . .XD Good luck in getting in one! ^^

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