this is an old good tale!!!

ok i was at zakum killing him and he dies i get all the stuff i killed him solo with no hacks i pwn but this guy comes out of no where and loots it all im like what is this guy hes a super noob only level 50!!!!! anyway i was 125 then now im 130 but i got banned cause of ths @#$$$

12 thoughts on “this is an old good tale!!!”

  1. For one, I don’t think, unless you had a lot of pots, you could solo Zakum at 125. Second, unless it sat there for ten seconds, no one can loot you unless they did the most damage to the monster.

  2. No looting hacks bend that rule. But come on, don’t be an idiot. Zakum already heals over 50k hp per 10 seconds and I doubt you can take so much damage.

  3. unless of course devilry, he hacks. which of course he does unless he wouldn’t have been banned.

  4. actully hacking looting doesnt change that rule to dramatically, instead of 10 seconds, we bring it down to 3 but good try, so pick up ur items xD

  5. This grammer hurts my eyes. Here I’ll try adapting my speech for you.
    M3 C4NT R3AD UR RITIN!@@!@@@11!@!@

    Anyway you spelled moron wrong. And dont’ call random people morons just because they say the truth.
    Umm this tale might be good if you actually worked on it.
    Maybe somethign like:

    “I stood there facing Zakum with my [insert weapon] in hand. I showered him with [insert name of attacks]. I pressed the attack keys on my keyboard crazily as I saw the damages slowly build up. After twenty minutes of attacking the mighty beast fell leaving behind the fruits of my hard labor. I was amazed by my prizes. I took a few screen shots and just admired them. I strated telling all my friends abotu it when all of a sudden a level 50 Super-Beginner came out of nowhere. Tears almost formed around my eyes as my heavenly treasure was dashed away. I fumed with anger when another surprise hit me. I disconnected and found that I had been banned. I smashed my keyboard in frustration. After cooling off for a bit I decided to post this up.”

    See if you just tried you could really write something good.Not that mine was good or anything. Uhhhh, ok I’ll shut up now.

  6. Twenty minutes to solo at that level? Freaking not possible, more like a few hours, and an inventory full of power elixers.

  7. yea i had alot of pots. like 10k each. it also took me 4 hrs just to kill him. i also dont hack. ill try to make better tales srry im in a rush cause im at school.

  8. Torenko said: “no its not its called good tales moreon”

    Moreon. XD

    Laughing at the horrendous spelling. XD

    Try to brush up on your spelling, kay?

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