My Guild Experiance

I kept on wondering How hard is it to find a Free guild with lots of Active Members, I have been to 4 guilds already and the 2nd on (Hitogoroshi) was active when i first joined but was falling apart months later, which i decided to leave like the others. Well the 1st one was named Trojans then like a month or so later, I been anooyed that people arent acitve plus saying things about the name (which i just notice what it meant). The 3rd guild (i forgot the name) was full of level 30’s and after i logged out 3 ins later i joined, and log back in, I was expeled then someone invited me again. But later, i quitted that Guild and joinwed what now is TheMSSquad which is Ok to me because it is active, like 5 people or more (out of 15) is on which i am kinda happy but its like a level 30~40 guild, and at least its active and free XD.

I wonder what do guilds want you to get in? Level and money? or Level and Activeness? or just money then they kick you out?

Well thanks for reading my guild experiance

3 thoughts on “My Guild Experiance”

  1. I’d want to get in a guild with all my friends, but that probably won’t happen since I changed servers due to too many characters.
    (Regardless of level or price)

  2. GMS and also, I am in Bera, Also, I would like to do that too but then who will be leader

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