Finally, one friend back! 3/28/07

Finally! My friend Bao was unbanned since 3/28/07. He was banned for sharing accounts, I didn’t know how he got found sharing accounts. He played for like 2 years, right now, after he was unbanned, he got home and got on his account, and logged on. I saw him logged on, and said, “HI BAO!!!!!!!!!!” “Sup Steve.” One of my other friend Carol, was going to level, she was at FoG (Forest of Golem) and I was at ludi. I told her to wait for me to see her level to 90, and told her again that someone special is coming to see her level.

So I invited Bao to come with me. He wants to surpise Carol. Bao was engaged with Carol. Carol deleted Bao since he wasn’t on for 4 weeks. So I went to the ludi station for the boat. My friend got on, and I didn’t know until he told me that. So then I had to wait for the other boat to come (It was about to get ready to take off when I clicked on the usher) , I see new pets since 3/28. A robot pet, wanted poster, and nurse dress.

I went and told my friend to wait for me at Orbis. Then I finally got to Orbis, as my friend Bao was at Aqua road for getting his oxygen tank back from a quest. So then, I went to the boat, but it took off already when I got to Orbis. I went and partied Bao from his channel, and he finally got his oxygen tank back. So then I waited for him to come to the boat. When he finally came, I said, “What took you?” “Shut up Steve,” He F3 me. The boat came, and we got on. He was level 111 Priest, he forgot how he can kill Crimson Barlog. I told him how he did it like always, and he got ready for it.

So then, the ship left, and I went down the ship and waited on the bottom to see if Crimson Barlog comes. After a while, it didn’t come. I went over to Bao and sat next to him. I dropped a green egg, and he tried to get it, but I was too quick for him. He F5 me about that. “Haha Bao, I can’t believe you don’t have that yet!” We finally got to Victoria Island, and I gave him haste to get to FoG, the hard way, as I used the VIP taxi to Ant Tunnel Park, and used nearst town scroll to Sleepywood faster then my friend. I went to Sleepy Duegon V, and waited at the flower for him to come. 5 minutes later…. He came finally. We both went in, and saw Carol there near the exit of FoG. When she saw Bao, she was so excited to see him.

“OMG ITS BAO!!!” I told you someone special was coming Carol.” I said. “OMG LET ME ADD BAO AGAIN!” She said. And she added him. “HIHIHIHI BAO!” She said in the buddy chat. She was in my buddy list as well. It was fun to play around with her like always, 5 minutes later, she finally leveled, we all said, “Gratz Carol!” to her a lot of times. Then I told her to wait here for her 7 int black overall level 88 robe. I went to my mules to find it. I left it in the storage, I went back to my bandit, and got it, and went back to FoG, then I gave her the robe by trading it to her. She liked it.

Then Bao let her “borrow” his level 90 dark hat for magicians. It looks weird on Carol. The level 90 hat looks like a diaper hat. I had to say this to her while she was wearing it. “What’s with the dead cat on your head Carol?” Bao was laughing about that. Then Carol said, “Thanks a lot Steve -.-” And she went to Henesy some how, and said, “I’M STEALING YOUR HAT BAO!” Oh great, here we go again…. Then Bao F7 me and said, “Lets get my hat back,” I went to Henesy and then to Free Market. I saw her, and chased her for it. Then she finally stopped. She dropped the hat, and took me a while to realized she dropped the hat. Then I saw the stats on the hat.

“Ewww… defense diaper hat…” I told Bao that he should have scroll it with HP instead of defense. Then Carol said, “I want that HAT NOW STEVE!” Oh god, she’s mad now. I tracked where Bao was, and then I went to him before Carol realized I took off from the Free Market. Then she said in buddy chat, “OMG STEVE GIMME THE HAT!” I gave it to Bao and said, “Too late Carol haha,” “OMG SOMEONE BUY ME THAT HAT!” “Thank’s Steve for bringing my hat back.” Me and Bao was at Guild Party Quest place. He wanted to Guild Party Quest with me, but there was no line to there.

So then, we tried to Guild Party Quest, but we didn’t get in, since there was no people on execpt me, Bao, Carol, and some guy. So then, Bao left the guild, and I always had this to say when he left. “If Bao leaves, I leave with him.” Yeah, best friends forever. Then he told me to go on his spearmen, and then I went on it, he was waiting for me there, after 30 minutes of waiting, we didn’t do the Guild Party Quest. He went to Henesy for a quest. Event quest, he went to Perion for tree branches. I went on both of my mules to see how he reacts when I say, “Train me plz,” to him. Then when I said it, he saids, “No Steve.”

How did he know I was on my mule? Then I finally remembered that I gave him stuff since he was back. I gave him a blue chair for a welcome back stuff. Then I famed him with both my mules, and I went back to my main. He said he’s going to do his homework. I asked him if I can go on his account for just in case of Ksers at coolies. So then I went to there and logged off. I logged on to my friend’s account and see how he plays. He plays weird with his skills on other places.

I guess the patch was with when you save the stuff onto the keyboard for hotkeyying, it stays like that, not stays like a cookie. I rearranged them to the way I played. I finally went to coolies, and killed some coolies for fun. Bao said that it’s my account now, since he gave it to me, but I only use it for only if someone is ksing me for no reason in coolies.

So Kser that wants to ks me (level 64 bandit) TRY KSING A PRIEST (level 111) AT COOLIES!
It’s always good to have a friend back.

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