‘An Opal Necklace, And A Promise.’

So.. I havent written in here for awhile, and for good reason.. I havent been playing maple, beacuse I havent had the time, I’ve been dealing with Real-life stuff.. but yes.. After reading Aaru’s first story.. I’ve decided to write a small back-story on Skythe, being a character based off yours truly.. And hopefully help her with the writing of Sins Of A Cheif Bandit.. Shortly After I wrote this blog, a song came up in my playlist, and I had an urge to write.. and well.. The story has a name, ‘An Opal Necklace, And A Promise..’ For people who might say ‘Oh You’re just plagarizing Aaru’s work. Or You cant get an Idea of your own so you’re stealing stuff from her!.’ No… I’m not, I’m writing something based on her writing, A Back-story to hers.. Something about a specific character in relation to someone not mentioned much, And everything I write will NOT be posted unless she OK’s it first. Although It’s My writing, It’s her story, her world. And the final edit goes to her and her alone.
With this in mind, I hope you all take the time to read it, even if It’s just the first few chapters. I’m not promising miracles, or anything to live up to the caliber of author she’s become, This is just an homage, a tribue, to a fellow author, and a very close friend.