Title Here

Hi, I play Maple Story and it’s really fun. I want to play GunBound cause it looks really awesome, blowy-up awesome, but it’s apparently turn-based, which kinda sux. Oh, and I played Priston Tale for ages, it was so fun, but then I hit lvl29 D:

MMO stuff out of the way…

I’m actually a user on this site who some of you know. I’ve been writing something along with a couple of other MMOTales users, which I thought would be fun to share with MMOTers, so I’m posting it here. If you enjoy a funny story, although it’s very long, then go no further.


I realise I may get banned for this. Oh well.

If you have any feedback post here. I guess. Unless you have a Blogger account.


Oh, and see if you can guess who we are ;D

One thought on “Title Here”

  1. Mmkay, I’ll go check it out. . .? xD

    And yes, yes GunBound is turn based. =[ Which only sucks if they’re about to kill you and you can’t do anything about it. xD

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