Night took the time on the ship back to Victoria as a final rest stop before he fought the Dark Lord. He intended on getting his next level of training as soon as possible, and since he could do nothing on the boat, used it for sleep. Sam did the same, and the couple climbed into bed together and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Stars also lay in bed, but awake. He thought about the things that he hadn’t thought about in months. His training had become so much faster since meeting with Night. He did this as a sort of competition with Night, even though Night has no idea.
Replacement just lay in the corner of an unfortunate victim’s room. He had snuck inside quickly, and killed the person as he walked into the room.
He stuffed the corpse into the closet. They would find out the body was there when the ship started reeking of the dead person.
For now, he just took advantage of the fact that he had a room and the food from the pack that his victim had left behind.
They did not hear the roar of the Crimson Balrog. Two were fast asleep, one was ravenously feeding, and the last, way too far deep in thought.
Night, Sam, and Stars walked down the plank onto Ellinia Station. They pushed past the screaming crowds. Lights went off behind them as people read the incantations from town scrolls.
They had run dry of them, and now had to walk to Kerning.
Replacement, however, was already waiting for them outside the Dark Lord’s living quarters.
They walked through Henesys, where 70% of Victoria’s beggars and training newbies inhabited.
When they approached the gates, however, Night regretted not kicking someone out of their taxi and taking it. Even walking through Perion would be better than this. He thought as a parade of newbs and beggars attacked the three.
Anger flared through Night’s veins suddenly, as he wished he had Meso Explosion to blow the idiots up. The thought calmed him.
Sam, however, was more forgiving, and threw a scattered bunch of meso for the newbs to chase after.
They made a break for it.
Rushing for the L Forests, the trio stopped. At least they had Nearest Town Scrolls.
The Dark Lord gave them permission, plus directions to go fight his clone. Night wondered why the Dark Lord did not just go fight the clone himself.
They walked through the Kerning Swamp, and was suddenly attacked by a swarm of Ligators and Crocos. They almost died, if it was not for Sam’s adrenaline rush to aid their healing.
Making it to Monkey Swamp II, Sam, Night, and Stars all jumped into the portal.
They each found themselves seperated from the other. Stars shrugged it off easily. Sam and Night, however, each found it hard to be seperated from the other. Regardless, they walked towards the end of the hall, towards the door blocking them from the Dark Lord’s clone.
Greetings from Boston! ^^
Due to Spring Break, I thought I could spend the whole break sleeping, grinding, and practicing my swings in handball.
What did I get instead? Visits to some of Boston’s biggest colleges/universities. (Harvard, MIT, etc.)
Thank god that I brought my laptop and that I can leech off the hotel’s internet connection! ^^
(MMO bit) :: I stayed up until 4 last night to train both my Hunter and my Hermit in a poor attempt to level one last time before I left. My hermit is stuck at 85% and my Hunter leveled.
Sorry, aliyah. I didn’t see your message to me on MSN because I was automatically set to Busy. >.< Sorry!
Till next time!
Your chapters are getting shorter; add more story please!
And I like the dig at Henesys. XD
Will make longer chapters when I get home.