do unto you.
What a lie. Especially in the world of Global MapleStory. Especially Scania. Where everyone is hyped on power and has an ego fifty times that of any multi-billionaire in real life.
Being a “low” leveled bandit with barely acceptable equips in the power-hungry world today, without the loved Meso Explosion yet, I could barely train without some random person coming in and trying to take over my channel because I am a “noob with @#&! damage” and taking my channel would be easy.
Even though every other channel of the same map is empty.
Half an hour into training, I walked over to the other side of the map I was working my way through. On the other side, there was a DEXless sin with a zhelm. Of course, I just said nothing because, usually, whenever there was someone else on my map, once they saw me, they would acknowledge me being the first and change channels or share with me.
I have no problem with sharing. As long as the person on the map doesn’t go “ccpliz” or “PT” (I want to shoot the person who came up with that shortened form of “party"
But this person. He has to follow me and KS me. I politely asked in he could stop KSing. He told me to change channels, or attempted to. link
Yes, I realize I spelled “please” wrong, after I took the SS and the guy left. >_>
After a sad attempt to KS me on his Assassin, he moves to his Priest. 126 to KS a mere level 58.
Right now, I could’ve probably changed channels and tried to be the “bigger man”, but Maple doesn’t work like that. By changing channels, his ego would swell until it reached the size of four football fields(not an exaggeration), he also probably would’ve just followed me and KSed me on any other channel.
Play the waiting game it was. He had the upper hand with his Teleport and Shining Ray, whereas I only had Savage Blow.
About 10 minutes later, he leaves with a stupid threat. And a defame. Resorting to pretty childish tactics, I see. Maturity of an average 8 year old (Or younger, for those of you who protest against my stat).
Either way, I just can’t believe that someone would go to such lengths to attempt to claim a map that wasn’t his in the first place.
This idiot’s excuse is so awful that it’s not even funny.
Yes, good news always comes last. I’m getting married!
No set date yet. Because of that threat from the asshat. I’m scared my “wife” would be stalked and KSed too.
Please leave your name and IGN here if you want to attend. Limited spaces, as with most weddings.
Thanks for reading.
He was there yesterday. LOL
My friend got in a fight with another friend on AIM for not giving him the info to his account, so we jacked everything on his account including 10 attack WG, a Pink Adventurer Cape, and like, 50mil. My friend got the info to his account a while back, and my friend wouldn’t give up his, so we struck while he was gonna change his PW.
Lolz. That’s what we were gonna do, but now we just needa crack his pin. ;D
What do you expect from people that are such idiots they don’t even know they are idiotic in the slightest way!
~LaZzz. . .(Oh and can I come to the wedding? IGN : lazydame)
Lolz. That’s what we were gonna do, but now we just needa crack his pin. ;D”
I’ll help.
When I try to crack a PIN, I start guessing like no tomorrow.
Lol I wqs he yesterday
Oh no now you have to cc!
Oh the horror
pffft man those ppl get on my nerves
but then again i dont get that kinda treatmeant, . .maybe cuz ima girl? or because i keep getting random marriage proposals cuz i look like TULSA backwards ja
PS i found this on my previous blog
im sorry ima spamming idiot .___.
“He was there yesterday.”
I can see why he’s such a high level, he plays 24 hours a day MS(literally).
You’re getting married?!
Yes, i think he said so, Fenrir. =P
Too bad I never worked out how to get on Global.
Well actually he’s been married for a while now. o_o Didn’t you read Aliyah’s blog?
Damn. *Sees date of blog for the first time*
Stupid, stupid, stupid. *Smacks forehead*
Nicely said
It seems like I’m not the only one who won’t change channels when somebody else comes and says “ccpliz”. I used to think I was.
reminds me with my low lvl theif /lvl 20(or 21) i killed a mushroom for some lvl 10 theif and he was like : “ill ks you with my lvl 27”
*comes with lvl 27* and i ks him with my theif (still thos lvl’s above) than i tell him ill show him how to ks *i change to my lvl 31*
and i ks him till he was dead then he sais hill bring freinds so i bring the best of my theifs guild and the best of my guild and freinds of mine and we were like 10 together and they were like 13 and we pwnd them so in the end only we (my wiz and his magiecan) and he says : “plzcc ill give you 10k”
so im like f*** up kid omg just cc yourself ! but in the end i cc with 50k and a smile couse noobs need to be punished and i did holly job !
i know i could make a full blog but still
LOL. I cracked up about that too. But omgosh, Scania’s turning into hell. T_T All the nice high leveled people all left to less populated servers & now there’s just yucky people everywhere. Like the two you exemplified. But yeah. INVITE ME TO YOUR WEDDING
& Also check your MMoT Mail. That’s the main reason I came on here. =)
Pffft. You got pwned by a guy who’s 68 lvls higher than you, has teleport, and has superior mobbing skills. How noob are you?
. . .wait. . .
But seriously, what exactly these people are out to prove is beyond me. o.o