I see a lot of people recruiting for guilds, mainly because I wander the streets of ElNath and Orbis, Ludibrium and Henesys, buying, selling, trading, and mainly gaining wisdom. When said recruiters recruit (redundancy not intentional) for these guilds, mainly it’s “recruiting secksay ppl for guild plz” or “lvl 140+ for guild no charge” and things lilke that. I don’t think people look hard enough for “wise” players. Let’s call them…. “Researchers.”
I would be one of these people. I take the time to memorize things about the game, look into KMS and things, and know what everything in the game does, is, and looks like. I mean, when doing the Zakum PQ, for instance, would you rather have players that are 7 or 8 levels higher, or one that knows how to do it, and the most efficient ways? I’ll leave the answer up to you. But do you value levels and skill in people, or wisdom? Also, are YOU in the select group with me? Would you rather study and examine than fight?
Just thought I’d throw this one out in the open.
nice pic, and i agree wit u
I’d rather go with the flow and see what happens along the way, and nice pic. =P
Yea, I agree with you, during some ZPQ’s I’ve partied with higher leveled people who were complete and utter idiots,,, I really think people should study things before they get into them, so as they at least have /some/ clue of what they’re doing,
i agree with you
without wisdom, there is no PQ. i have learned that on many trials given to me in Kerning. Now i can lead very well and i make sure we never miss
Yup, I’d rather study than fight but that’s also because playing the game doesn’t engage enough of my brain cells so I spend my time thinking. This means I analyze the server side of the game, the way that the math and numbers seem to work and learning the best way to do things.
Doing the Kerning pq was frustrating because most of my PQ members didn’t understand the concept of trying all the combinations systematically though I did have one PQ where no one had to say a single word. If I were creating a guild I’d rather have people that know what they are doing as they will end up more powerful than those who have no clue.
Ditto. It’s better to know before hand to enjoy things rather than having to hang around inexperienced players and get dragged down by it. I’d rather stay with a spearman who can HB the moment the skill starts flashing rather than hanging around a DK who will always forget HB and kill everyone else in his party.
I agree with you, but you really can’t tell whether people are “wise” just by talking to them for 5 minutes. As guild recruiters, we hardly have the patience to sit and idle chat with people long enough to figure out what kind of person they really are. Though higher level does not necessarily mean you’re not a complete idiot, chances are, you’re more knowledgeable than the avg level 10 beginner right off of Maple Island.
Well, I don’t study, but I do figure things as I play along.
Ah, the age old question. Brains or Brawn?
I’d go with brains, rather have someone smart and know what they are doing, than charging blindly forth.
haha, I spend my time caculating things, (as a result my math grade soared)
i take my time to figure out whats the best place to train, I’m into strategizing, if you see a lv 5x cleric runnign around still wearing amoria, its me!
I strategize with everything ^_^; its just a lil thing I have o_o;;
I rather pick someone knownalgible for a pq lvl doesn’t matter >_< (refer to me “so you’re a noob?” blog o_O)
Yeah, basically everyone can do everything as long as they have the smarts. . . Kinda like that kid in Artemis Fowl XD
to answer the pic yes XDD and i agree very nice blog, people just need to take a look around .
now that’s what they meant by a word of wisdom, i totally agree with you,
Yeah, people should look for wisdom in people rather than level. My leader tried to kick me out for a 74 hermit while I shouted that haste and flash jump didn’t work in zPQ, and man, were they glad I was there.
Its like calling people noobs because of their lvl.
Everybody started at lvl 1, maple island, no cash, no nothing.
In Ludi PQ, i usually join parties with people over 40 so killing is easier, but i know that 99% of the people that pqed with me below 4x were much more respectable and thankful for things like getting a track, being famed, getting in, etc,
So what does it matter if you’re lvl 8x but you still argue with people that dont change ch when you ask and follow all instructions from websites to lvl and train? , =P