omg if you play guildwars read this

Sorry for the all cap but I at one of the forums I got to I heard one of the most interesting things about guildwars its at a fansite know as link anyways anyone go to gamespot and here about a guy named michael garfelo sorry if I spelled his name wrong. Better know as photics if you are one of those people or laughed and thought that is was dumb or something or you know um over excitement and stuff you are wrong.

Read this stuff and then click on the link and you will find out something that we really were not supposed to know.

Guild Wars 2 is an attempt to build the ultimate version of Guild Wars… a perfect world… an ideal MMORPG. That suggests… no demands… a utopian environment. I can even see the unofficial slogans…

“This time we got it right!”
“The perfect Gaming World.”

Whatever they do, it SHOULD NOT BE Guild Wars 2. That’s like saying “Guild Wars: Me Too!” There is no need to use a number, as the ‘sequel’ is really a natural progression of the Guild Wars storyline. Eye of the North leads into “Utopia”. There are downsides though. Using the number “2” does mark a clean slate. It might get more people excited. Yet, ArenaNet has never slapped a number on anything. To make matters worse, it doesn’t look like ArenaNet controls the or the GW2 domain names. They DO have control of the [url=] [/url]web address.

The decision is logical… Utopia > 2

If you are a user of you probally already know this. But if you are not the information was found here.


Anyways thats all from me!

2 thoughts on “omg if you play guildwars read this”

  1. its been news for awhile is goingn out no knew until I told them. So its just a message very true go to link and check it out.

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