Are you kidding me???

I was peacfully training today at drakes and fire boars when a level 5X sin comes up and syas “CC PL0X”. Now I had been there for just under 45 minutes and he just appeared. I said no, we can share the map, and I kept training. Then he did the unbelivible. He reported me for harrasment. Now I have a 30 day ban because a GM actually came and suspended me for a month. How should I get revenge?

4 thoughts on “Are you kidding me???”

  1. Tell your guild to mass defame him and mass report him for harrasment etc. and you can defame him and report him with ALL your characters. Or just get hacks, get a new account and hack him, lol jk.

  2. I think the game needs to tell people when they have been reported, maybe with a little delay before it says it so that the reporter can retain their anonymity. That way you could know if you have been reported on before in the past.

    Someone shouldn’t be banned like that until they have been reported more than once unless they were caught on screenshots/video or were caught red handed by the GM.

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