One wish

If a game master came to you and said that he will grant you ONE WISH in maplestory for no reason. What would it be.

I would wish for everyone back to level 1 and there fame to 0 muahaha.

13 thoughts on “One wish”

  1. I’ll ask them to bring back liketoks, he was a good guy.


    I’ll ask them to bring back my hacked account with everything still in it.

  2. O would wish for a few other wishes then I could do wutever I want but if only 1 then I would wish to be. . . A GM!

  3. I would wish for more wishes. Then wish for him to tell me when my last wish was coming, then when its my last wish ask for more wishes and keep going >.<

    But really I would just ask him to give me lots of nx cash or ban all the hackers or world peace 😀

  4. i would wish 4 liketoks 2 b bak i dun have enought screen shots of him onli like 30

  5. There’d probably be a rule you can’t wish for more wishes, so i’d wish for -100 less wishes, then I’d wish my char wasn’t messed up anymore, my mp would be like if my char was perfect from the beginning, and i’d wish for nx.

  6. I would wish for world peace =)

    lmao, jks.

    I want mesos and nx cash! Unlimited! And Hackers to be gone

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