Or have I failed the Game? I’ve been on Maple for so long. &for many different reasons too, an escape from reality, like I’ve seen many people said in their blogs. Playing ever since Beta came out, I lost all interest in it now. For reasons I wish weren’t there ~
Starting Maple when Beta came out, I had high thoughts about it, and stuck to it for awhlie.
Computer Breakdown ~ Thoughts of Maple vanished for a year or so.
Finally ~ First char to hit 2nd AND 3rd job. XPKGurlzX ~
I met a good amount of friend’s on maple … but only a few will stay with me for the whole journey.
Arokui ~ Also known as Kiwi ^^ met when I was lv. 2x went through a lot of things together (especially Acca)& finally our friendship ended because of a few misunderstandings.
CherishArrow ~ Aka Cherry <3 Also met a 2x never left my BL <3 A true friend and a person who won’t ever let you down.
xPaperwand (4zn5in) ~ My MapleSis. True BFF who won’t ever think about leaving me. We lean on each other through bad times and laugh A LOT on BL (and usually annoys our friends) <3 ilymuimui (little sister in Canto).
Beastyd ~ Haha, Steven what can I say? You’ve always been there for me … even when I know I’ve been a really dumb person and done stupid things. ily <3 (Dah Dood who compares Wonder Bread with Bewbs) Ewuh <—
Nick112990 ~ xPaperwands Husband AND my younger MSBro (even though he’s older) Always been there to make me laugh and fight over Klara =P she’s still mine <3 ilybro
NoodleStrike / x3Remembered / JellyMuffin ~ <3David, maybe it WOULD’VE been better if we remained as friends, but I”ll seriously never forget the last month that’s past <3 em yeu anh bowlcut (mad trainer)
Razaberry&Stocctown ~ HAS to be in the same slot. Also known as Bubbles&His Blower (omgawd wrong). You 2 have ALWAYS made me laugh, and had really dumb times O_O
Instigators ~Dah guild that’s ALWAYS accepted me, no matter what lvl I was or what I character I’m on <3 Jason&Cheese<3 Thanks for listening to me everytime I spazz out at something bad that’s happened. Always dah Pro Guild in my eyes<3
LilJordan305,RiP Dangderr&Cr1msonNinja ~ Mommiee & Daddiee … and a random person that sk33ts me (I forgot which one’s the mom and which one’s the dad) LOL <3 Helping me KS AND KSING ME (dangderr) when I didn’t know you <3 Always the best ksers in Bera <3 (I hope you guys don’t get ksed after somebody reads this ). Tuffie <3 I always smiled when you and Jordan ” owned me ” thanks for making me laugh when you never realize how sad I was.
DrPepper14, DarkGambit,spinx101 &Slick101 ~ LOL @ YOU 3. PetWalk anyone? Troy for NEVER letting me get away for something wrong that I’ve done (made me realize a true friend tells me absolutely EVERYTHING). Joe & Jason for supporting Troy on his talks ^^ and most of all for making me lose money to you guys on PetWalk <//3
xEternal & Cazzopadelle ~ LOL I can’t say anything, only laugh <3 Always there to help me out when I got to the point where I can vkpt with you guys <3 Maybe one day … <3 (stop cheating on me)
Riyane,watamage,&xKr4zybandit ~ Kimmieee, Judy, & Andy <3 Always spamming my BL and talking 5 way on the phone Andy for always being so patient with me <3 FAT COOKIES <3
LacusDestiny&KuyahRed ~ Even though you 2 never knew each other, I swear you 2 were talking about the EXACT SAME THING (scared meh). <3 Just being there for me (and if Steven’s mean to you again, kick him where it hurts
aerianna & lizardbws ~ MOMMIEE DADDIEE <3 At least THIS time I can tell who’s my mom and who’s my dad <3 ily guys for helping me on everything and understood when things went wrong<3
xFayded&TheGodlyBow ~ LOL Another mom & dad <3 Daddie (xFayded) for just saying random things that would crack me up so much & Mike Mommiee for just accepting me what lvl I was unlike some other ppl& GRATZ ON YOUR FAME <3
BlueBearKaka,TTKiller,Rayino,&Hitotoki ~ FAMILY? Some really bad mix ups & tears <3 Never cry over a guy … they aren’t worth it <3 &Ray have faith in yourself, I know the rest of us have faith in you, you can do it boy <3 SAI LO <3 You too, JeiJei believes in you & gluck with your gf -wink wink nudge nudge- <3
fairygurl555,Lucy02,&Sophie(I can’t believe I forgot your IGN). 1 word ~ SPAMMERS!!! Nobody can own you guys in spamming T_T holy … LOL <3 my Bl’s never quiet cause of you guys (Sophie you make them spam ) <3
LocoShark ~ BOOBS <3 LOLX amazing, crazy, AND VERY PERVERTED SPAMMER <3 (especially with Ray)
BakaPander ~ MY BABY <3 aka Daughter. Spammer and somebody who really does care about me <3 ily girl for making me laugh so much and chasing away my Ksers <3
ZGoldNThrowZ ~ …LOLX I’M YOUR MOM?! Hendy <3 Always there to support me if i EVER need anything <3
Zihuhu ~ I”m sorry you lost your hermit =( you’re always pro in my eyes <3 MY PERFECT ESPANOL PROFESSOR <3 TE AMO (shoot did I say it right?
) Te extrano Jorge<3
I’m pretty sure the people on here want to know what I’m talking about. Maple lost it’s touch. An escape from reality won’t stay FOREVER with me <3 I’ve decide to lay off of Maple for a whle … <3 I just want these people to remember me by … A simple blog <3 Always & forever BERA FTW ~ I’ve depended on Maple way too much, and my social life is collasping … difficulites at home etc etc etc. I just can’t make you guys understand how important it is … so I’ve decided to say nothing and let you decide yourself. This isn’t one of the times where it’ll be like ” She’ll come back tomorrow,” Cause I won’t. If I never come back I hope you guys understand … but till then WAIT FOR ME <3
I know how you feel ‘sigh’ life can’t always be perfect right?
Best Wishes.
Who knows who I am , <3
Who’s KuyahRed? x__X
And what do I even talk about?
I dun need a blog to remember my friends. <3
I really wish you told me on Maple you were leaving though.
I’ll understand if you never come back, but I’m still gonna be sad if you dun!
<3 you Lorie
gud luk
and best wishes to u
all ur blogs r so sad
i feel so sad
haha chad. thats good. remember me chad?
Heh, just love that Troy =P
“Hey Guo, I bet you 1mil I can do the pet walk faster than you.”
“Your on!”
*One minute later. . .and 20192mil lost*
Lorie I know its old but I just found this <3