Anyone in Scania? oo

Well since there was a wild fire here in South California, School has been canceled
this entire week. Dang and because of the stupid ash floating around, I got a soar
throat for 3 days…still do…*cough *cough…but now I think they stopped the fire,
and everything’s alright now….AHHH okay okay I’ll get to the point…

BORED! o_o

Lol I played at my friend’s house for a long time this whole week…because he lives
right next to me, so I don’t feel like going…and I also feel like I was rejecting Maple
Story oo I get bored of it sooo quick…I guess that’s why my buddys ditch me T.T
Yeah, and my guild is so empty…and I wasted like 2 million mesos on it…>,>

Maple Story is so boring with nobody online…it makes me feel like a dork…
and that people are doing other stuff…why couldn’t my guild and buddies be

– I’m looking for buddies, so if you play on Scania, add BleachFanz…and I
hope you’re active!

– Also if anyone is guildless (pssh yeah right…) and doesn’t mind a guild with
no emblem…(everyone wants an emblem *weep*), then add Bleachfanz and
ask me! I’ve always noticed people who join guild without emblems are usually
not pros…and are inactive…well maybe that’s just my guild…

If you want to, leave a comment, or message me…cause I feel like playing
Maple Story soon…maybe oo So please reply back!

Hehe…when I get back to school, I’ma force me friends to play MS….HAHAHA
HAHAHAHA…HA! *cough *cough…dang stupid dry throat…

~ Maple Story…RAWR!

EDIT: Oh and that image is a pic of my former self…before my nx wore off…hehe It looks
exactly the same as the one on Basil Market (top left)…and if the pic doesn’t show up…er
just check Basil Market…that’s how I looked before.

MORE EDIT: Lol…my dad’s computer has crashed down…and it’s not working right now,
so I can’t play it yet…sorry ^.^

Okay I’m done…you can get back to your lives now…NO WAIT COME BACK…REPLY! F5

15 thoughts on “Anyone in Scania? oo”

  1. I think it’s because there are a lot of forests there. Lots of wood packed together = OD fire. D:

  2. No way, Replaced. You are DEAD WRONG. WRONG!@!@!@ Lol.

    Southern Cali is a desert. We don’t have ANY real trees down here at ALL. So mostly, fuel for wildfires are either from houses or the pathetic excuse for vegetation that we have (aka large quantities of mostly dead brush).

    300 students and 20 staff members at my school had their houses burned ;-;

  3. Oh my gosh! The fires down there are insane! I heard about them! All the news channels–that’s all they talk about. It’s horrible really. 7 counties are on fire, 1500+ homes destroyed along with 3 plantations. People wake up every morning and dust off ash from their cars. Schools are closed due to too much smog and ash in the air…

    On a happier note: I PLAY SCANIA! WEEEEEE! Lookup: missmimmsi <3

  4. I’m on right now.

    Sorry for the SC incident. May God watch over you.(If he exists that is)

  5. Omg O.O

    That makes. . . *counts* Four of us SC-ers! I’mma stalk you ALL! >D


    Lol just kidding.

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