About Series Blogs

This isn’t about my series. I just want to talk about a topic most people
would understand. When making a story series, Chapter 1 has to be
good. Then it gets even harder to be as good as chapter 1. Anyone
have advice on how to keep a good series and keep at least half the
people reading? I’m sure many others encountered the problem. It’s
always the first chapter everyone likes. Then fewer people like the next chapter.
Then fewer. Then maybe fewer or more, then fewer. So basicially, every chapter
people lose intreast in your story. So for those who don’t encounter this problems,
any advice or hints. That will be very appreciated. :p

~ Tai ~

2 thoughts on “About Series Blogs”

  1. Feels more like a forum topic, honestly.

    But. . . let’s see.
    I’ll most probably follow stories that are heading a definite direction, i.e. they have plots that are clearly brought across, hinted at, some tantalising peeks of it given here and there, whichever. You have relationships between characters, relationships between the characters and history etc.

    In short, I’ll follow if you dangle something solid in front of me. And if I know that you will continue your series. (Authors with a long history of discontinuing stories, I’d skip.) Either that, or you better have damn good writing or side-cracking humour.

    That’s my opinion, as a reader. But it is inevitable that you lose your readers along the way; a story just isn’t meant to be told in so many broken parts, sometimes, and not everyone has the time to update at a godly speed. :X

  2. I have a history of discontinuing stories, please try not to spaz me to write longer ones. D:

    Just keep your stories on the same standard of quality. Something like maintaining your consistency in every chapter you write, I know I haven’t been following this. . . XD

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