Maple Family Circus ~ 1

Let us first become acquainted with our heroes. Ancheeky, err- Anchiclets, ah, Anbesol… awwe screw it, her name is Annie Oakley. She’s the moderately sane and sufficiently useful mage of the party. Sukigame, his name sounds stupid, he doesn’t talk a lot, also, he is a swordman… totally friggin’ useless. Porkchop is our lovable, autistic mage who couldnt cast a stink spell in a poo storm. He is great at dying, though. And our martyr in this holy-war of idiocy, Jeuneau, he is the strongest, for he is a level 30 crossbowman, the only one with a job advancement… and an Iq with more than 2 digits. He tends to solve everything, including math problems, through violence. He is quite good at this. I, Jeuneau will be your narrator, because i love referring to myself in third-person.

Unfortunately, Poor Jeuneau decided to level his way from 30 to 31 in the Kerning City party quest, now I say this is unfortunate because he just happened to end up in the same party as these drooling asstards. Upon being unduely recruited into this gathering of morons, our poor Jeuneau was made the leader due to the absence of a track, or the will to get one, on the part of the remaining three… and also because he had an AC. (Oh happy-friggin’-day.) After politely letting his allies know that he cannot talk while using his AC and that he would get them in… So they didn’t need to worry about a track, they (of course, excluding the retarded mute, Sukigame) proceeded to ask him, “HEY R JOO CLICKING!!!???” Thinking they were merely joshing him, Jeuneau ignored this with a chuckle and continued using his AC. They were not joshing him, nor was it a tad o’ good-natured ribbin’, nor were they busting his chops and/or balls, nor even kidding… No, they were serious, mere moments after being told that Jeuneau could not speak, but was doing his darndest to get he and his chums into the party quest, they spoke to him anyway. And as if poor Jeuneau wasn’t confused and annoyed enough at this asinine development, they then repeated themselves, (again, all but silent Sukigame) “H3Y, ST4RT CL1CK1NG!!11!12one” Against his better judgement and *gasp* COMMON-FRIGGIN-SENSE, Jeuneau stopped the AC to reply to his teammates, “I am clicking, I can’t talk while im doing it. Shh.” For a single, fleeting moment, Jeuneau thought his party member’s may have been -I know how could he think such a thing!!??- Incompetent, crapflinging assclowns from the twilight zone of pure, unadulterated, mental deficiency. He shook off this feeling of impending doom and told himself he was merely being a callous jerk. He continued his clicking…

Mistake #1, start counting… God knows Jeuneau’s party members don’t know how.

4 thoughts on “Maple Family Circus ~ 1”

  1. OMG did this happen really, if it did, I pity you, otherwards, this ROX UR SOX! its hella funny ^_^
    EDIT: Oh and PLEASE come out with more as fast as possible

  2. ty lol i have about 7-8 chapters more already written, ill release them periodically. And yes, unfortunately it is based upon a true story about the most god-awful pq ive ever been in. I’m Jeuneau on Broa. ^^

  3. yay im on Broa too now, can I read a few of yours privatley please, its so funny, but this happens and I hate it so much, o on Broa im TheresOnlyUs, chek out my blog, it explains alot

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