
Sorry everyone, haven’t been blogging in a while. I haven’t played maple for about…1 month after the girlfriend break up HAPPINESS thing. Cuz I started maple cuz of my girlfriend, and it ends with her.
I checked up on the MapleStory website…and the first thing I saw…was the fact that TIGER GOT BEATEN?!?!
That’s one thing unexpected…

I went through Google, looking at various new MMORPGs I could try. Most of them needed me to pay. Then, like a flash of lightning, one page struck my head like an epiphany! MMOSITE!! Quick as a flash, I typed that website into my URL bar on the top.
And looking though all the damned sites, I found one that looked amazing.

Ever wondered what would it be like when World of Warcraft turned free?

With a better storyline?

Well wonder no more.

RappelZ is here.

According to the game’s backstory available on gpotato’s site, the oldest race is the Gaia, and to assist them, the gods of Creation and Extinction brought two more races into the world. They were the Deva who represented the Light and the Asura who represented the Darkness. With this, there was a period of peace and stability in the world.

As the ages passed by, there was one among the Gaia who called herself “The Witch”. Over time, she grew in tremendous power and with a ruthless ambition, rallied the people of Gaia to rebel against the world.

Not all the people of Gaia heeded this call however and the world was thrown into chaos. It was only through the combined efforts of the three races of Deva, Asura and Gaia that “The Witch” was finally captured and burnt alive. It was a victorious outcome of a unity between the three races.

Now at the present time, the three races continue to co-exist with each other in the world of Rappelz but dark rumors have surfaced about the second coming of “The Witch” and the return of her terrible forces.

It’s something simple to understand: here’s how classes work:

You have three races.
and three types of classes.
(Buffing means to use an effect on a creature or character to increase or decrease attack, defense or Stats.

Deva – The Light Race. Sent by the God of Creation

Guide – The Guide is the starting class for the Deva. The skills Smite and Minor Healing are learned by this class

>Holy Warrior – The Holy Warrior is similar to a Paladin. It is a warrior which benefits from additional self-healing
capabilities and defensive buffs. Holy Warriors are the best tanks in the game due to their natural high defense and health. Even though it is less offense based than many other classes and so may deal less damage, they have many threat provoking skills (notably, “Provoke&quot which cause monsters to attack them instead of other party members.

>>Soldier – The Soldier is the more offense-based second job class for Holy Warriors. They are considered one of the game’s most powerful classes because of their power in both offense and defense.

>>Knight – The Knight is the pure tanking second job class. They are built solely for defensive ability and threat gathering.

>Cleric – The Cleric is the main healer/buffer of Rappelz, and can either support parties or solo. The Cleric has very powerful buffs that raises party member’s abilities and powerful healing spells.

>>Priest – The Priest is a defensive caster second class which focuses on buffs and healing. They have skills which can buff or heal their entire party.

>>Bishop – The Bishop is a more offensive caster which has many attack spells,debuffs, but less versatile healing skills then the priest. The bishop just has extended levels of its first job healing skills.

>Breeder – The Breeder is Deva’s summoner. Breeders have more defense orientated buffs and focus on raising and healing their creatures; they have limited light based damage skills also.

>>Soul Breeders – The second job class of breeders mainly extends their first job skills further.

Asura – The Dark Race. sent by the God of Extinction

Stepper – The Stepper is the starting class for the Asura. The basic skills Smite and Deep Evasion is learned by this class.

>Strider – The Strider is an assassin-like class that uses high evasion and attack speed, hitting fast but not particularly strong. They can specialize in blades (swords or dirks) or crossbow.

>>Assassin – The Assassin specializes in twin dirks or swords, and have a large range of offensive melee skills and stealth skills to hide from their enemies.

>>Shadow Hunter – The Shadow Hunter is the second job class of Striders which specializes in crossbows. They have many ranged skills and debuffing abilities.

>Dark Magician – The Dark Magician uses spells that drain and weaken the enemy. They have many offensive spells and debuffs.
>>Chaos Magician – The Chaos Magician is the second job class of Dark Magicians which concentrates on high damage spells.

>>Warlock – The Warlock is the second job class which concentrates more on debuffs and curse magic. This makes them more party-orientated because they have less attack power on their own than the Chaos Magician.

>Sorcerer – The Sorcerer is an offense based pet class with many skills to increase the offensive power of their pets, but only a limited ability to heal them.

>>Battle Summoner – The Battle Sorcerer is an extension of the sorcerer. They have huge offensive potential in both melee and magic, and even more offensive buffs for their pets.

Gaia – The Neutral Human Race.

Rogue – The Rogue is the starting class for Gaia.

>Fighter – The melee class of Gaia. Has special trap spells and debuffs with adequate offensive/defensive power.

>>Champion-The second job of a fighter that is axe orientated.

>>Archer-Another choice for fighter but concentrates on ranged attacks.

>Kahuna – The Kahuna is somewhat of a hybrid between a fighter and a true caster. Their magical attack spells are mediocre when compared to a Dark Magician’s and must rely on melee for most damage. However, they also have buffs and a heal over time skill which makes them also similar to a cleric.

>>Battle Kahuna – The Battle Kahuna is the more melee and offensive based of the Kahuna’s second jobs. They focus more on personal buffs and combat.

>>Druid – The Druid is the support class second job for Kahunas. They have more healing spells and higher level buffs.

>Spell Singer – The Spirit Singer is the Gaia pet class. It lies between the Breeder and the Sorcerer – it has skills to boost both the defense and offense of its pet, but not to the levels of those two classes. It is the only class in the game which lacks a self healing ability but it can heal its pet.

>>Evoker – The Evoker furthers the Spirit Singer’s abilities.

Anyways. This is a really cool game. Instead of a Fixed job as you progress into the second job advancement, you get options. The graphics are as good as WoW. But it’s all free.
They have a cash shop. and oh, you dont do job advancements like you do in maple. You get them through quests when your Job level reaches what it needs to. You can choose when to Job Level up if you have enough Job Points.

You also use these job points to increase your skills., anyways, you get these job points like EXP. so it’s fairly simple.

Finally, it’s easier and cheaper when it comes to gaming stuff than maple. You get armour at lvl 1, 10, 20, 50, 70 and then 100. Instead of changing armours and items quickly, you upgrade them with nothing more than game money.

And guild costs about…10k. Your armour at level 7 looks beter than armour you get at lvl 40 in maple.

Finally…here are some screenies above you can check out.

Screenie 1: Deva, Rank 4 (lvl 50) Armour
Screenie 2: Asura, Rank 4 (lvl 50) Armour
Screenie 3: Gaia, Rank 4 (lvl 50) armour
[url=http://http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd166/deathliger_2007/rappelz_mount.gif]Screenie 4[/ur]l: My Asurian Mage, lvl 20, Job lvl 10, on one of the mounts you can ride at any level for 1.1k rupees. (game moneh.
Screenie 5: My asurian mage with close up of the weapon and armour.

I’m off to play now. Hope MMOTales adds this game onto their listings, i wanna add my character and have proper blogs about it.


11 thoughts on “RappelZ”

  1. MMO is run by the people

    so it won’t be added to the listings

    Captain ditched us years ago

    sorry =/

    just blog about it normally

    we need more blogs about other MMOs

  2. Ahh . I’ll tryt hat game . Once i get my new internet and my i’ve-stopped-playing-MMOgames sickness

  3. Nuu! Curryishott mmmm curry
    LOL I was doing the same thing when I got my new compy, so far all the new games I tried are hit or miss (all of them miss).
    I didn’t think of using the big list on this site.
    I tarded.

  4. I saw Rappelz a long time ago, and it looked really awesome, but it wouldn’t work for me on my laptop. When I got a computer, I downloaded it, but lost interest in it after five minutes.

  5. I don’t play, but I’m rooting for him because he played where I did and Scania.

    Ganzicus said: “Tiger quit a long time ago. ;O


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