Edited: lvl 9x vs. lvl 1x

Don’t worry folks, this isn’t about a ks war between lvl 9x and lvl 1x.

Just that since I get bored on my priest sometimes, I made a new character (future assassin) and it is currently lvl 18. I was training at Henesys training ground I on orange mushrooms, and then this noob mage on a rope said, “Do you mind changing your channel? Or go to a different spot?” I was wondering if he was talking to me, so I asked, “Me?” He said, “yea you”

I was a bit ticked off with that magician since I changed through many channels to find my own spot, and now he came with his cousin (lvl 2x magician probably with maxed claw) to ks me and try to steal my spot.

I asked him why he wished me to change channel/spot, and his answer was, “My cousin is training me.” I asked who his cousin was, he said, ” (ign) over there.” and it’s the same magician that has been ksing me.

I was quite fed up with his noobish sense. I told them that I was there for a long time and they shouldn’t ks to steal a spot. I asked his cousin, “would you mind changing channel or move to a different spot to train your cousin?” and the noob mage said, “Yes, we do mind.”

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve kind of had enough. So I blurted out with an angry tone, “Don’t make me bring my priest back to Vic!” After that, they cc-ed right away.

Now I’m really curious, do people ever think of the possibility that a low level may have a main that is really high level? Those who had thought about this probably would avoid ksing.

Oh, that reminds me. There was another lvl 4x lite mage ksing not only me, but every platform in Henesys Training Ground. Someone eventually said to her, “Go die at macis.” I laughed at that, and I continued, “Go ks at dt or mdt!”

The lite mage looked at me, and said, “How about you go?” I replied, “Yes I do with my priest.” After I said that, the lite mage stopped ksing.

These ksers really make me laugh. They act all snobby and ignorant when they ks, but once they find out that I have a main, they left me alone.

Why can’t these people just NOT ks at all, and find an empty map to train their friends?

EDITED=====To clarify some confusion:
1. The ksing did not take place when I was lvl 18.
2. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t share a spot. It’s the constant ksing over a period of time that ticked me off. Keep in mind there was not only 1 ksers that ksed. In fact, I share map very often.
3. I’m not ranting about the ksing.
4. I wish the community to be aware that not all low levels are new to the game, but they may have a main somewhere.
5. I would not tell them to leave, if the “noob mage’ did NOT tell me to leave first. The noob mage told me to go to a different spot, and let THEM have the spot so his cousin can train him while he clings on a rope.

Questions: AlterOfGod, are you saying that people can ks others because they CAN ks?

8 thoughts on “Edited: lvl 9x vs. lvl 1x”

  1. because they obviously can ks you. because of that, you have little say on telling them to leave. Just change channels yourself. Besides, at level 18, you should be training on something a lot stronger than orange mushrooms, or should at least train at pig beach. It is your own fault, and you should feel bad for posting this.

  2. XD I never have these problems, when I see someone in the same map, I ask them to share with me
    I just made a friend today like that! he was a 4x sin and he asked if he should cc, I said no and said we could share a map so it spawns faster, he said I was one of the nicest person in Maple and famed me XD (i famed him bac) and so he added me to buddy and ya!
    *finishes sharing story*

    Well, sometimes, people just are born for ksing, they find it fun. . . i dunno XD

    – VanillaPocki –

  3. Well, I would have to say I am on the “noob” mage’s side here. You didn’t want to share and YOU made a fuss about it. No spot belongs to anyone. You could have asked them to not ks you instead of telling them to leave.

    EDIT: If you were looking for ages, you could have toild them that and then they might have listened

  4. To AlterOfGod,
    if you had not noticed, I said it is currently lvl 18, but that doesnt mean the ksing took place when I was lvl 18. How is it my own fault that I got ksed? And I’m posting because I want people to be aware of the fact that, not all low levels are new to the game, they might have a higher level somewhere to bite you back in the ass.

  5. OMg i hate those stupid 3x-4x ppl who go to henesys hunting ground, big beach, and slime tree to make the newbies think they are pros and stuff, happened to me toay some lvl32 archer was ksing me in pig beach and she called me a noob, im all like “what Go somewhere else” And she said “STFu u stupid noob im training” what IS A LVL32 TRAINING AT PIG BEACH, im all like stupid noob your lvl32 go to wild boars or soemthing, then after a long argument she left xD

  6. At least they weren’t boneheads who started cussing, I run into lot of ignorant noobs with bad mouth =_=

  7. I think that ccplz should be banned. It’s like I’m not having a problem sharing the map. If the noob(who says ccplz) feels it causes inefficiency in training, why don’t he cc instead. -.-

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