The Howl of the Wolves: Chap 1

Chapter 1

“Brrring!” The annoying bell rang, and the uneager students piled into the classrooms one by one. It was time for Step 1 of my plan.

“All right, students. Time for another GREAT lesson of math.” The math teacher, Mr. Prichenili, sarcastically exclaimed. The students groaned.

The leader of the X Gang was in this class. I turned my head around and casually glanced at him. He was wearing a leather jacket and had spiky hair, launching spitballs the size of a wad of gum.
I got out a straw, napkin, and gathered up my saliva. I was going to prove that I was able to be just as “bad” as him.
Woosh. A giant, wet spitball hit the freckeled neck of Mr. Prichenili, right on target. His fat wart.

“WHO DID THAT?!” Mr. Prichenili groaned.

“YEAH… WHO DID THAT?” The leader, Matt, curiously said.
I lowered into my seat, trying not to look suspicous.

“WAS IT YOU, JEAN?” Mr. Prichineli guessed. Jean was probably smart to be accused of it, since she was a member of the gang.

“No way!” She said in her New Jersey accent. I glanced at Jean and smiled. No one could figure out who it was (I would be the last person to do that, I’m a goody-goody. Yep. Goody- goody Giovanni.)

3 hours later, I got up from the lunch table and walked over to the “bully table”.

“I hit that spitball on Mr. Prichineli’s neck.” I confidently admitted.

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