Oh My Gee “India”!? no wai!.

I love noobs. Just recently, I had s noob ask me for mesos…so I decided to have some fun with him. “Kind sir, can you spare me some mesos?”, the noob asked me after he opened the trade window. Palms sweating with anticipation to flame this noob’s ass, I had responded, “lol u cn shov my mesos up ur ass. OLOLOLOL@@@@!!@!#$TWENTY-TWO!”. The noob, “*F3*” at me and I had grown even more eager to kick his ass! “Gah! I love noobs”, I thought, and followed up my clever remark. “lol u nub, cnt even typ lik nmal prawrson”, yeah it was hard typing like that. The noob told me his parents would kick my ass, and i told him to “tk th meso and shv up ther as!”, at this point he closed the trade. Wow, if only I could some how help those noobs out…they make me so happy! Too bad they do not ask for anything important…I would probably not give it to them anyway. ONTO MORE PRESSING MATTERS:

So any who, I am going to India this summer…FOR TEW WHOLE MONTHS…what the hell am I going to do there? Slap me some Ox-ass? Hell yeah. Run away from Rabid-Dogs, after provoking them with slapping my ass? Rip off my manhood, and call me Skippy – why not? Ahh…if only I was an Idiot, THEN I would actually do those things; in reality, I am going to do nothing.

The subject of “Nothing” is all but simple – what is “nothing”? Well it is self-explanatory, you nrawrbs. Any who, I have got my StepMania to keep me company…and did I say that I have AAAed all the D-FORCE SONGS!? Hell yeah, I need a girlfriend! Any who, I will probably spend my time doing nothing…AND CAROMS! OMG YAY. Notice how my title has an unnecessary punctuation-thing…find it plz. Right, I am going on vacation, the least I could do is relax(itives please!)…and as I like saying “When life gives you lemons, give the damn things back and ask for a full *censored* refund, and rip-off the balls of the reseller, and eat them”.

Uh…My plane leaves in about 4 minutes, and I need to leave the house now…O.K.-Thanks-Bye.

P.S. “O.K.” is an acronym for “‘Oll Korrect”; it is a pun for “correct”…it is supposed to be funny, and it is clearly not.
P.S.S. I probably spelled the acronym for “O.K.” incorrectly…OLOLOLOLOL IS THAT THE PUN!?!??!?! No, still not funny.

7 thoughts on “Oh My Gee “India”!? no wai!.”

  1. Darkwar4ever said: “Is this even MMO related in any way?. . . Or have I gone blind?”

    Actually, the first paragraph is Maple-related. . . so this blog kinda slides through the radar.

  2. According to your quote of the “noob”, s/he typed like a literate person, and you were the one who talked back to him illiterately. Hypocrite.

    And I dread your return. X_X. “Tew whole months” isn’t long enough, however long that is.

  3. Erm, Just following it.

    “Thank Goodness”

    So you love noobs? Well, there are plenty in maple. Hope you go there for your whole life and never come bak to blog.

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