I am BACK (I hate Borat…)

Right, India was fun, but Dubai was HOT. I sat in 40 degrees centigrade for TWO, STINKING, DAYS. I brought home a Caroms set, and and umbrella that opens up into a bottlecap! Speaking of bottle caps, Did they release that Coke-monster-thing? I want coke (The soft-drink). Right, I think I will be playing MapleStory for the next week-or-so, and I am setting off on a journey to find out what is new in th’darn thing! By the way, did they start that monster-attack thing this year? I hope they actually do it…I REALLY want it.

-t3h spkr f elite-typing.

P.S. Does anyone mind giving me a tour? I think I will be on for most of today…look up “sumesh1337”, or “sumesh13” when you intend on helping me…please and thanks.

P.P.S. I have noticed in my previous blog, that I have been flamed…too bad I was not there o recieve it for two months! THE FLAME CANNOT SURVIVE FOR TWO MONTHS…because I said so…bye

4 thoughts on “I am BACK (I hate Borat…)”

  1. lol. . .
    Try Bangkok, July, 1 WEek of Hell. . .
    EAT THOSE APPLES YAH. . .(Doesn’t know what that means but oh whell. . .)


    I’d say I burned you the worst, but that’s all in the past now isn’t it?

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