iTCG is a pretty cool thing eh? Awesome cards and the best part? THE AWESOME CODES! Sites like VideoGameLagoon are what make getting these easier. I, living in Canada, will not have access to these cards but with Lagoon’s free shipping and awesome deals, I don’t need to live anywhere else!
It’s a completely legit site as they don’t even scam you. You request your prize once you finish your points and they go on THEIR accounts and they buy you your NX from there.
Also, in a game of Rumble Fighter, an MMO you guys should add to your database, I got free Astros worth $10. these Lagoons are probably the best I’ve seen.
link – Awesome place with great deals FOR FREE!
I haven’t been on the forums for a long time and I don’t think advertising would be an offence if you post the site, not your referral -_-
Meh some of the rules here are unclear anyway.