Woohoo more new clothes!

Yes! Finally lvl 33 and you know what that means? New clothes!!!! ((Look at the first pic NOW)) I got some new clothes already right? Yeah I do. =P ((Look at pick 2 NOW)) Yay!! New look. Thats the best part lol.((Look at pic 3 and 4 NOW)) Well Im done. Thanks for reading. Bye bye. =D

6 thoughts on “Woohoo more new clothes!”

  1. Aaaaah, congrats, now I am badly struggling to get to lvl 48 to wear my Orange Calaf already! How long can it take actually to get through lvl 46 and 47 =_=? (I’m in the middle of 46 myself)

  2. You shouldn’t buy new armor every time you get the chance, later on in higher levels you’ll need to learn how to scroll your stuff

  3. Level 33 stuff is fairly cheap and looks waaaay better than the level 28 armor for mages. Most people don’t scroll their armor anyway; it’s all about the weapons.

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