Ms good old days (idiot seller days)

I remeber the good old days in ms about 2 years ago when steelys were 7mil and ilbis were about 15mil i scammed a
little to make a living i had good times and bad. One so bad it made me quit for sometime to play silkroad online ,But
soon that got boring and i started ms again and when i came back my 6 atk wgs (which were 6mil(yes i know now its like
3mil oh my god!)i came back and they were 15mil i was like yea!!!! and maple kandayo(sp) was like 20mil but i didnt

that so i put a store up (yes i bought it) and sold it for 10mil!! i was like cool ok ok not bad but there has been a
series of unfortunate events if u you will ,were i sell things for tooo small mesos and made some loser very happy
i was like what when i found out

ta ta for now plz tell me your nooby story or make your on blog about it
and remember(i love this image (NOT BY ME)

6 thoughts on “Ms good old days (idiot seller days)”

  1. I wish I had like, a 100 mil and I could go back to the past and buy everything all cheap-like.

  2. liek woah this

    blog got 2 like the

    front page and i’m like

    how did this get to front



    (No, seriously, what is so special about this blog? =.=)

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