Another Day, another Story…

Well, like I said in my title “Another day, another story”. Don’t worry guys and girls, this blog isn’t an actual story, just another addition to my story [Thus Maple Story.]

Well, although it was a weekday, I decided to log on today. If you didn’t catch on yet, I don’t like logging on weekdays as much, its the ultimate way of me to procrastinate (something I gotta stop doing so often). As I logged on today, I oddly noticed the map I logged into was oddly filled. Reason why = Someone was holding some sorta odd party thing. Odd place to throw a party though…*cough* Haunted Mansion Entrance*

So..Since I felt like I didn’t fit in, I slowly and quietly left. <.<

Well, I decided to go back to Victoria Island to do random stuff.

Just before I left, my friend needed me to repot for his Zakum run. So I agreed..and I ended up having to help another friend do it also. Now, if you checked my inventory, you would see its practically filled with potions..

Friend: Ok, 600 Ginsengs please.
Me: ok -f6-
Friend 2: 300 Ginseng and 5 Ales please.
Me: right -f6-

So….I roughly made 4 rounds doing this <.< lol, some experience.

Well, after I got back to Vic, I roamed around the areas a bit.

You can call me a proob or whatever, but I enjoy going around Vic from time to time, get back to my roots ;D.

I went through Slime Tree, Pig beach, Horny Mush Tree, Wild Boars, and it was either

A) Full
B) Empty

Hard to believe, but some of the maps I went through were more emptier than I expected, school must have some effect o.o

Oddly enough, each time I pass through these areas, I had a weird feel tickle my spine. I remember things I did when I use to train here, the people that I’ve helped and have helped me (Not all but some). Its really nice going around Vic and just re-exploring your roots. Despite being whatever level you are now, you were once level 10, 11 12, 20, and so on. No reason to forget those things, but you’re not obligated to remember.

I really enjoyed staying around these places, It was my own way of Reminiscing about how I acted as a 1x, 2x, or 3x person. Call me weird, but I like it. xP

I wonder about the reactions of others when they go through Victoria just for old memories. Hardly of my pals do it, but I do it. I’m probably only doing it because I train close to Vic now, but meh, who knows right?

Anyways, thanks for reading guys, just a load off my mind everytime.


5 thoughts on “Another Day, another Story…”

  1. I went to a blue mush tree that I trained at from level 13-18 with my first account and with my old girlfriend from my first charrie.
    Well I went there to level to 45 with my last account.
    It was nice. :]

  2. I take a stroll down Memory Lane every now and then as well. Then I kinda just stay there for a few months and never get anything accomplished. D:

  3. I like wandering around like that too, ‘cept I do it more often in Ossyria. Victoria somehow doesn’t have as many precious memories, cause I used to be this reclusive little newbie scurrying around silently, lol. That, and I can’t stand taking the ship ride to and fro; it’s such a drag. >(

  4. I love running around in low-level training spots.

    It’s so fun, mindlessly slaughtering the little buggers that used to give you SO. MUCH. TROUBLE.


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