Maple Lama Staff

Well today I was still struggling to find Maple Lama Staff, it was my like what 2nd week of finding it? Anyways, since I was on my mage fighting Zombie Lupins, I kept killing and killing and killing, looking for Maple lama staff and a maple claw

So then I thought “Hey, maybe I can train my sin and fight Zombie Mushroom for Maple Claw and Horned Mushrooms for Maple Lama Staff!!”

and so I did. I kept fighting all the way from 50% to 90%….then BAM

I had found one, thing is…..I didnt notice it………….so then I saw a guy I was talking to in a convo (not chat room) and he was just like trying to get it so then I picked the maple lama staff and guess what -.-

HP+ 104
MP+ 47
Weapon attack: 37 (Average 39)
Magic Attack: 57 (Average 58)

So I ask you guys is it worth it? Should I just keep it ’cause I have REALLY bad luck at finding stuff. and it took me 2 weeks……..

3 thoughts on “Maple Lama Staff”

  1. Keep and look for a better one, and if you find a better one, then sell it. Or if you just want it for looks and not to use, keep it for looks. Or if you really want a better one, but don’t want to hunt, sell it, and buy a better one. So many choices, it all depends on what you want to do.

  2. It isn’t bad luck. Come to think of it, when I had my warrior on GMS in Broa before I made my Cleric named Ikizen, I had crappy drops like you wouldn’t believe, In the end, after I made my cleric, my drops shot up like crazy and I made more money in one day, than I did in a week with my warrior. In all truth, it is like the game finds out what you like the most subconciously and gives that type of a character, the best drops possible. In all games that I’ve ever played, I have always been a caster(offencive) or a healer. Sometimes, but rare, I was a thief and next to never a warrior and for sure, NEVER an archer. And yet, my Cleric and my I/L wiz give me drops like no other. My theif gives me some drops, but not a lot.

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